Right when they get to the NC Survivors. Can't have those nasty true red blooded down to Earth Americans on TV right? Can't have those nasty real Americans telling the truth of what's really happened in NC, and both the natural disaster, as well as the man made Democrat disaster that is FEMA right? Can't dare even listen to those true American patriots for a second. They wouldn't have cut those people off if they were San Francisco liberals, that's for sure. Scr*w those pompous jerks at the Democrats media.
Someone has to fact check the "fact checkers" and keep them in line and call them out on their blatant pro-communist propaganda. Communist News Network.
Didn't read most of your post. But is this where the response should be "If MAGA is mad about it, then it's good" ? Oh yeah..... ... WINNING!!!!!!!!!!!!! amidoingitrite?
I was watching Fox News while at the gym and they had the survivors speaking…have to say it was so boring. I was hoping they would move on to another story but it just kept going.
Sorry that others pain and suffering don't provide you entertainment. I'm sure you'll care about other entertainment if you go through a natural disaster. I thought their stories were incredible but also heartbreaking. But they were stories that needed to be told. And they were stories Biden would've just buried instead of bringing them to the forefront where they belong.
Hopefully a revolution of objectivity and common sense will occur in the liberal MSM in the near future. Probably won’t but one can hope.
Fwiw A neighbor here has family in Boone NC. He says FEMA is no where to be seen. And,,, Many are still living in tents.
Incredible adjective 1. impossible to believe. "an almost incredible tale of triumph and tragedy" Similar: unbelievable beyond belief hard to believe scarcely credible unconvincing far-fetched strained labored implausible improbable highly unlikely not in the least likely questionable questionable whether any of these exceptions is genuine dubious doubtful inconceivable unthinkable unimaginable impossible astonishing astounding breathtaking staggering absurd preposterous phenomenal extraordinary unimagined unheard of fictitious mythical fanciful fantastic unrealistic feeble weak unsound thin transparent poor tame paltry trifling shallow inadequate unsatisfactory ineffectual half-baked pathetic hard to swallow/take tall cock and bull Opposite: believable likely 2. difficult to believe; extraordinary. "the noise from the crowd was incredible" Google Search What is the meaning of incredible story? impossible, or very difficult, to believe: an incredible story.
There are still at least 8 FEMA sites still open in areas in and around the mountains. One down the road from relatives of ours in Lenoir for example. Literally thousands of families have received assistance. Just like in Florida, it is inevitable that some still need help. Had Ronnie D done anything to help our folks? You don't want / need FEMA until you do. But by all means defund it and leave the poor states hanging.
If everyone will recall, FL residents impacted by Charley were in temp housing for months, when JEB! was the guv. Same expectation, lean on FEMA as much as possible so the state doesn't have to pay.
FEMA Disaster Recovery Center (DRC) Appalachian Enterprise Center 130 Poplar Grove Connector Road BOONE, NC 28607 WATAUGA County
that is not what he said he was going to do - he is going to give the funds when needed to the states and let them handle it
Oh sure. How does that work? The eeny-meeny-miny-moe system? Funded how? Got to be through a legislative appropriation to be legal. Whatever. Sounds like more "concepts of a plan."