In an interview US Rep Ocasio-Cortez acknowledged that Democrats participate on insider trading. I'm shocked for two reasons: 1. She speaks accurately; and, 2. I agree with her. IMO, that's why it's difficult to take seriously the folks who get their panties in a wad over this person or that person. Hello! BOTH SIDES are staffed with people who are fallible, corrupt and often stupid. Good on AOC for acknowledging this in one area.
Members of Congress of both parties do it and it should be banned. Although somewhat off-topic for this thread the rules against conflict of interest that apply to every other executive branch employee including both career civil servants and political appointees should also apply to the President and I might add that the current grifter-in-chief has exploited that loophole like none of his predecessors and it hasn't been remotely close.
Yeah, she's almost certainly correct that members of both parties commit unacceptable violations (crimes?) regarding stocks and personal financial issues. And that something should probably be done. Negative, Ghostrider. Stop trying to gaslight - you know well that it won't work here. One political party has allowed itself to become little more than a rubber stamp/shill for a traitorous, convicted felon criminal. So when you glance at an image of the un-American criminality they are comfortable with, and try to lie to us certainly shouldn't be thinking "both sides!!"
Just about everyone in the house and senate should be arrested and put away for insider trading. Almost all of them. But the problem is, it's basically allowed. Both Dems and Pubs allow it. It's gross. Pelosi with a notable failure on this a few years ago.
Yeah, its funny to me that people think corruption isn't basically legal now. Even with laws on the books, through courts or lack of will, even things like the emoluments clause are effectively neutered.
Got a link, I would like to see what she said rather than what you say she said. We know both sides engage in insider trading and it should stop.
@gatorjo First off, it’s Mr. Ghostrider to you. Secondly, I didn’t realize that the stock market trading floor was still so frenzied. Thought most was done digitally now. Thanks for the image
I like the stock pit reference, Mr. Ghostrider. Let's be clear though; you made two points in your OP. 1) AOC is probably right the Dem pols are (also) shady wrt stock trading. 2) Therefore, all politicians are the same. I readily agreed with your very valid first point. You then drew a false conclusion - that will not be allowed. NOBODY in modern politics has done anything as un-American and criminal as what Trump did. Nixon came close, but his party wouldn't allow it. So please don't make those false comparisons. You voted for a criminal. Who is also a traitor. Your road back starts with repentance. And maybe an apology to the nation.
This should be outlawed. Literally the only people in the US who are legally allowed to insider trade. Criminal.
That's not the stock market trading floor. Those are the patriots and tourists that Trump recently pardoned. They were held as hostages and he freed them when all they were doing was protesting an unfair election.
Come on, we all know that corruption is only illegal when Trump is involved. We turn our eyes the other way when people we like are involved.