Imagine thinking that "Yeah we lied, but we can afford it, so it's all good." is a valid source of "fair and balanced" info.
Speaking of OAN Far-right network OAN settles 2020 election defamation suit brought by ex-Dominion executive Voting technology company Smartmatic settles lawsuit against OAN over 2020 election claims And the latest on Fox (not) News. The Dominion lawsuit wasn't the only defamation case against Fox. Fox loses appeal to duck $2.7 billion Smartmatic defamation suit
Fox is necessary as it’s basically the lone right leaning news. Libbies news is everywhere. We need balance.
I somewhat disagree and I think that's what has done in CNN. MSNBC has always been nothing more than the media arm of the Democrat party. Honestly, I don't know how they stay on the air. Fox News I think started off genuinely apolitical, but yes even I'll admit that Fox News is little more than the media arm of the Republican party. I think Fox News is still better than MSNBC in terms of actually having some debate and some Democrats on, but neither one of them genuinely pretend anymore. CNN pre-Trump held that middle ground. It's why people watched and trusted it. Even though they leaned Democrat, they at least semi tried to hide it and have genuine discussions and genuine people on both sides. That started to change with Trump in 2016. The facade was coming off and they were being shown as in the tank for Democrats. 2020 during the Pandemic and then 2021 on and after 1/6 they didn't even bother trying to hide it anymore. CNN now is barely any better than MSNBC, and that has been their downfall. If they actually went back to being neutral like they were pre-Trump, they would probably get a significant ratings boost. But even that is probably too little too late at this point.
Whatever man. Fox might have messed around with some bs reporting…idk. When I tune in during morning, they seem to do a decent job. I don’t go looking for the evening shows like Hannity though. And I do think Fox is necessary.
I think they are all ok until prime time. Then they turn into propaganda machines. Idk, I just dont trust any of it anymore.