A good use of a billionaire fund which is to support climate study and activities that need to be coordinated among nations. Bloomberg to fund UN climate body after Donald Trump’s Paris exit | Climate Crisis News | Al Jazeera The UN climate change body will receive funding from the foundation of billionaire Michael Bloomberg after President Donald Trump declared the United States would withdraw from the Paris Agreement for the second time. In an announcement on Thursday, Bloomberg said the intervention aims to ensure the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) remains fully funded despite the US halting its contributions. The US typically provides 22 percent of the UNFCCC secretariat’s budget, with the body’s operating costs for 2024-2025 projected at an estimated $96.5m.
Played right into Trumps hand. Now he can say it’s fully funded without government funds. Just what he knew would happen. Wait till he eliminates all tax credits for EVs except for Tesla.
This is a big win for both sides. Lefties get their money and righties don’t have to contribute anymore via tax dollars
I saw where the EO withdrawing the U.S. again from the Paris Agreement states that the Agreement is "against U.S. values." Trying to tackle the problem of climate change is against U.S. values? Can someone explain?
And droughts and ensuing wildfires. I wonder if doing something about climate change is against the values of folks in Los Angeles County.
Didn't Musk previously leave the Trump councils due to the Paris Accord? I presume Musk still believes in climate change, but I haven't heard him talk about it in awhile. @elonmusk Am departing presidential councils. Climate change is real. Leaving Paris is not good for America or the world.
From what I’ve seen much of the recent fires in Ca is certainly from man, just not AGW. Poor management and decision making.
We should make note of how much money Tesla has gotten in the way of EV subsidies pre Trump just for the record. (if you consider that a grift). Some do some don’t.
Yes, they could have decided not to have such a prolonged drought, such an usual lack of rain, knowing it would leave all that dry wood ripe for burning by that arsonist ghost of Santa Ana.
Nice thread title, but Ya neglected to produce a generic 10-word phrase, contributing nothing to the discussion.
Awesome! Huge Dub for Elon Musk and DOGE! Trump green lighting EM/DOGE is shear brilliance! (...and props to Bloomberg for throwing his money at these folks--better his than ours...).
Or do fire management to help mitigate the risk and have resources available to fight such fires when they broke out….