The temperance movement was probably the first major public health movement in America, certainly the most successful. I cant imagine anything being nearly as successful today.
I think what people see is that we have a lot of knowledge to know what is harmful to us and just how harmful it is for us, but we partake in the behavior anyway. At the same time, there's probably more misinformation than ever, so you can be trying to do the right thing and may still end up going down the wrong path (low fat diets, diet soda, vaping, etc.). On an individual level, forget comparing yourself to others and instead compare yourself to what you can be doing better for yourself and is the benefit worth the work that goes into it (concept applies to a variety of aspects of life). Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS
Reality: In the US lifespans are declining sharply. Go back to WW1 and the Spanish Flu if you want to see something similar. The Covid vax will kill millions. Many who don't die will see their lifespans shortened. Never forget that Democrats mandated people take the vax and they wished death on the MAGA's who didn't get jabbed. And they censored the free speech of those who sounded the alarm.
A little over 20 years ago, I'd gotten way too heavy. Commented once that at 6-1, 228, I was the same size as Fred Taylor. But it was pointed out to me that the condition and configuration were a little different. Did Atkins, then South Beach. Dropped a good bit. No specific diet now, but it hasn't come back. BTW, when i was doing the low-carb diets, my cholesterol, triglyceride levels improved a good bit. My doctor wrote "whatever you're doing, keep doing it."
My guess is this idea that we were more healthy in the past is focused mostly on BMI, and when you look at pictures it's hard to argue with.
I read a biography of Vince Lombardi and the players back then had ashtrays attached to the doors of their lockers for use pre-game, post-game and at HALFTIME. Some of the scenes describe the locker room as being smokey during halftime. Can you imagine?
You don't think they ate root vegetables and ripe fruits? This would probably have been a major part of their migration routes.
If you smoke cigarettes, you inhale. Pipes and Cigars are more optional. Not sure why you would smoke a cigarette without inhaling. It's not at all like pipe or cigar tobacco.
I've smoked cigarettes before and never inhaled. I just did it because it was fun. If not for health concerns, I'd smoke 2-3 cigars a week.
It’s surprising the tgt ranges below. Pics of the beach from the 80s and especially 70s are fascinating how thin everyone was.
As a kid? I think we all did that. I just don't see the point. Cigarette smoke is nasty compared to cigars.
That doesn't look as bad as what was described in the book, which was the locker room at old Lambeau Field. The scene was that would be smoke filled, with numerous players firing up as soon as they came in from the field. Either way, it's just crazy. Even when I smoked, the last thing I want in the middle of an athletic competition is a cigarette.
I know we aren't as active anymore, but you still have to think that our food and food processing has something to do with this. For instance, I know people who've gone to Europe, eaten like Kings, and lost weight. They attribute it to better food, though I'm guessing all the walking doesn't hurt either. Purely anecdotal, but still makes you wonder. For instance, when did Chicken breasts become the size of Turkey breasts?
I am disappointed with the poster here. Thank you for sharing what you have, but all of you seem to be missing the 400 ton rhino standing amongst the rare china and crystal displays. Lets see, how do we make America Healthy again? Well the fearless leader says drink bleach, so I stocked up. Kennedy, well considering he is a frump appointee my assumption is we will see a resurgence in "Blood Letting" in doctors offices and of course the barber shops. Good for the economy. I wonder how many times a day or week frump and K require us to blood let. BUT the REAL RHINO ya'll aren't talking about comes courtesy of Archer Daniels Midland, Bunge Ltd., Tyson Foods, Kraft, Heinz, Kellogg and so forth. We are UNHEALTHY (physically) because these criminals pump sugar, processed meat, high starch content foods, facilitated and grown or raised with an assortment of chemicals, , steroids, and antibiotics that would make Dr Megele of Nazi fame blush. Then of course the packager's, warehouses and advertisers are all on the political dole, being allowed to confuse, befuddle and out right deceive the consumer with their unlimited lies and B.S., courtesy of the various branches of the US Gov't (both parties) and the legal system that allow this. Make America healthy? My Ass! Make America dead seems to be the aim. They are killing us in the 100's of millions. Giving us diabetes, heart conditions, brain fog and inflammation, cancer and everything in between. Why? FOR PROFIT!
When I am on vacation in Europe or in the US i get nearly 20,000 steps a day. Work days in the US without a gym visit I get 6,000. A 14,000 step difference is 50lbs a year of calories. Sedentary life is definitely an issue.