Discussion in 'Nuttin but Net' started by ETGator, Jan 22, 2025.
The refs are protecting South Carolina like they are Patrick Mahomes or something!
3:27 with 0 points
That was a total flop. never came within 6" of his face.
Heavy is the head who wears the crown. Perhaps #5 is just jive?
so disappointing.
Make that 4 minutes without points
Should be free throws not on the floor
wow, since when can you stand out of bounds if you are defending hte inbounds pass?
First half against Mizzou was bad, but this might be worse considering the opponent
Condon has lost all confidence around the rim.
Unreal condo can't buy a foul there
36-27 Cocks 30 seconds
Got it down to 5..and promptly allowed them 2 baskets
Getting out hustled all half.
36-29 Carolina at the half. Crazy 1st half of action.
Extremely lucky to be down only 7 at half
USC playing backyard trash basketball
Come on, Gators, you're better than this.
Hoping for some great half time adjustments
gotta find a way to beat a pressing half court D. That seems to be our weakness.