The fact that Trump has currently been found guilty in a state court in New York has nothing to do with this topic. Why do you keep insinuating that it does for some reason?
Why is it incorrect to refer to the criminal status of someone doing something of National importance in a questionable or possibly dishonest fashion?
And yet another effort to troll, divide, mock and/or show complete logical fallacy in the post. Be better.
You do have the natural and constitutional right to be delusional. No one can say you don't exercise your rights!
Did that crime have something to do with federal service? Do you know how many people I know that have had a DUI and still have a clearance?
Please explain how it is in the best interest of the US for security clearance protocols to be ignored at will. You claim to have more knowledge on the topic than to be found on the internet. Many of us felt those long standing protocols existed for valid concerns.
Extensive foreign financial dealings (some of which, he did not report) and meetings with foreign agents during the campaign (also not initially reported).
Well I can play kooky music while you try to get the former Biden administration and media to explain how cocaine got into the most se ore building in the world and how the media was convinced to/allowed to just drop the story.