So BLM and Antifa assaulting and beating LEO is not a problem and poster would be fine with a pardon for them. Cons sure love the Blue.
Go to 20 sec mark. A telling scene of what maga thinks of “back the blue” - guy using American flag as a club.
Please note OP stated Biden gave death row pardons. I asked for evidence as it was something I was unaware of. No evidence has been produced so it was likely just made up.
What a Great day, sorry the left is so sour still. I hope you enjoy the next 4 years. Thank God for President Trump
The Deep State wanted the J6ers to enter the Capitol. The J6ers got the most biased juries and g4and juries in the US. Zero were tried in their hometowns. They got corrupt/marxist judges who should be behind bars. Totally corrupt process. They should have been pardoned by Trump in 2021.The treasonous Democrats wanted a quasi-election where they could get away with fraud and steal elections and that's what they got. Regarding the pardons that corrupt Democrats got:
As some of us predicted well in advance Biden would pardon his entire crime family. The mafia helped Biden get elected in 1972 and he corruptly sold access for decades. Fauci helped create Covid and has the death of millions on his hands. Liz Cheney colluded with/tampered with witnesses. Lawless government officials who illegally conspired against Trump in violation of his civil rights will face no accountability. Yet the people who Democrats want to rot in prison are patriots who objected to election fraud and who peacefully walked around "The People's House" and stayed between the lines. Many of these Democrats are secretly hoping that Trump will be assassinated so they can go back to "saving our democracy" by treasonously aiding and abetting the invasion and colonization of our country by the 3rd world, including Muslims who want to live under sharia.
Can you confirm that he was? Link to a credible source? Or just some guy in his basement posting on x or youtube?
This spring when temperatures are higher. You can check for tickets starting Feb 1st( tentative date)
Biden pardon 37 federal prisoners that had been sentenced to death. I’m sure you can google for your evidence you requested.
We may never know as the select committee deleted all the evidence. well they could make pencil neck Schiff testify and he cannot lie now because of his pardon.
I'm trying to grasp how deeply partisan I'd have to be to support people who beat cops. Truly people live in a different reality than me.
Poster is wrong, it seems willfully, which then would cross into purposely lying. Not sure which right wing joke of an excuse for media he uses but there has been no person pardoned from death row. Poster should stop digging this hole, as he embarrasses himself.