If the poster could stop acting like a female dog, then things may get better around here for everyone else.
Again with the ad hominem. I suppose it worked for poster in 4th grade.... whine louder and maybe you'll get your way. That likely worked in 4th grade as well. Perhaps that explains poser's current lack of ability to discuss at an adult level. As well as the obvious compensation issues. Be better.
Grifter’s gonna grift. Donald Trump (and his compatriots, i.e.other billionaires) will leave office having increased his net worth (and not just gross numbers but percentage-wise) substantially more than anyone presently earning under $200K today. They used to sell this BS as the trickle down theory of economics (that never seemed to trickle down very far). But Trump doesn’t really believe in the trickle down theory. He believes people who believe in the trickle down theory are idiots. But he’ll gladly rob them blind while they wait for the trickle.