Yeah, now that everybody can pay their players, the bammers n nutlickers n tigahs are like at a disadvantage. But we're still in the cat bird seat for the epicenter of football talent, so we should be able to hold our own. Go Gators!!
Internet rumor is the Obama's marriage is on the rocks and Barack is secretly dating Jennifer Anniston. Surely this can't be true : )
This is the #1 candidate for dumbest post of the year so far and that is saying a lot. My goodness sir! What is wrong with you?
1600 felons who attempted the violent coup for him were just rewarded for their violent attack on the capital we are no longer a member of WHO. just in time for the bird flu
I used not like Ohio State and their fans...until the end of the 1st quarter in Glendale many years ago. Now every time I see them it brings back fond memories of both Glendale and Atlanta. Their fan base is what it is and is a known commodity. It's been nearly 40 years since Notre Dame won a title, you don't want to see what that fan base is like if you weren't able to experience it back then. Keep them under a rock or make them join a conference for football. Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS
Even though they clearly lost, can Notre Dame challenge the outcome of the game and say it was rigged and stolen from them? MAGA folks would approve.