Crypto is an "investment" implicitly based on the greater fool theory. By it with the expectation that in the future there will be a greater fool who will purchase it at higher price. Sooner or later the bubble will burst. It happened with stocks in 1929, gold and silver in 1980 and homes financed with exploding ARMs in 2007/2008. I fully expected crypto to follow a trajectory like this absent the subsequent recovery. or like this again absent the recovery.
SMelania, oops typo: $Melania Already dropping in price today like ... (the jokes nearly write themselves)
You do. We progressives are just here to dish out the same levels of ridicule y'all have been doing for four years. Enjoy!
Considering that you're the original poster who started this thread apparently it's important to you. It's somewhat humorous that what would be considered another example of Trump's grifting you consider a feature of the now current president.
We win either way. If Trump loses, we win. If Trump wins, then his rape victims win, and we can at least feel good about that. We'll feel better in four years when he starts his prison term(s). #prisonlife
Investors in Trump's latest grift get shafted, collectively losing $6 billion when the meme coins crashed. Trump's token lost 30%, while Melania's token lost 54%. Trump is such a loser . . . Donald And Melania Trump Memecoins Crash, Erode Billions In Investors' Wealth
I haven't checked the price in a couple days, but I assume it's doing okay based on the fact the Bidenistas haven't been chirping much. Even if the value drops to 0, Trump will still be your emperor. Let that sink in.
You're the one who has been sold once and became a customer for life. You were sold on the lie that all of Trump's trials with multiple judges and juries presiding were all politically-motivated hatchet jobs. The whole judicial world, with the exception of a few Donald Trump appointees, is out to get Donald Trump. How convenient. Talk about blind loyalty--you've got it in spades, son! I was sold multiple times on the clear fact that Donald Trump is a criminal by the sheer number of criminal cases that Trump has lost (usually, that's a pretty good sign). Sometimes, when there is a lot of smoke, there really is a fire. All you have to do is believe your eyes, and not the lying felon who is saying, "Who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?" Remarkable that you are the one who goes around (a) admitting that Donald Trump routinely lies (with explanations of what he really means); and (b) trusting every word that he says. You need to get ready for your Nigerian prince--you're going to get (promised) a lot of money.
While this could apply to any topic, about this “currency” Von Clownstick finally says something both personally and fundamentally true: “I don’t know much about it, other than I launched it,” he said.
Looks like Trump and his boys made over 100 million dollars in transaction fees while most of maga is in the negative. That's Trump for you