Interesting that he suddenly wants the state to own social media. What economic system or systems involve the state explicitly owning the means of production? I bet people that oppose those systems will be outraged about this.
Is he saying "state" ownership or just American in a general sense (like Microsoft for instance) and then the other 50% could be other nations involved? Not arguing, just hard to tell what his rambling means half the time.
It is a fair point on the rambling. But the last part says a joint venture between the US and "whichever purchase we so choose." That seems to suggest that it will be the US government owning half of it and the other half will be whichever private group or groups the US government chooses. It should be noted that he also has the Tiktok CEO at his inauguration. So it seems like we are getting state social media with existing competitors competing to kill off competition by owning it.
One of the first tasks of authoritarians is to gain control of the media. In the modern world, that means social media. He learned from the Chinese.
The average age of TikTok users is 24 years old. If Trump can save it he may gain supporters. If JD is planning a run in 4 years those are the age voters he will need to get elected. They arent doing it for no reason. Then there’s the possibility of money being involved. Google Search
Obviously, we should expect Truth Social to be a likely "partner" on anything like this. So that Trump can grift a ton of money.
so MAGA, are you in support of state owned social media split with the Chinese gubmnt 50/50? Straight up acknowledgement that China will still have control over the algorithms that determine which "news" is featured and have access to the metadata on the users. how about all those crying over Joe Chicom? No worries with Chicom Donny?