My understanding is that both China and Russia own and/or control various apps used in America, and it's never been clear to me why TikTok would be so unique as to be singled out for a ban. Is there something special about how it works and how it could be used?
While I agree with your post, the format in which is it written makes it hard for readers to discern your words from those that you have quoted. Please use quotation marks when you are quoting.
Without addressing the substantive issue of whether or not TikTok should be shutdown, I do find it interesting that Trump supported shutting down the platform until he received a large contribution from an American investor with a large stake in Byte Dance the Chinese company that owns TikTok after which he suddenly reversed his position. How Donald Trump Went From Backing a TikTok Ban to Backing Off If nothing else Trump is cementing his place in history as the best American President that money can buy and there is not even a close second.
How would I know, I have only had a group of four researching a study that I have spent a year working on about TikTok.
TikTok like every other social platform shows you more of what you respond to. I follow one political figure on TikTok and that is the newly elected attorney general for NC. Everything else is tailored to my interests in hiking, cooking, movies and comedy. The “dark” part of TikTok with lies and propaganda that you describe is apparently what you were looking for. Try out YouTube. Same thing. You can find anything.
So, why not just use YT then? What's so special about TT? And, did you ever consider that may be the problem. The studies on children are pretty clear and very bad news for the children who use it and society at large. I can't even imagine the vapidity of what comes next in this chain of vapidity that started with Twitter and has now flowed into TicTok, which some people "can't live without." Think about that last statement and how utterly pathetic that person is, probably as a result of spending a lot of time on things like Twitter and TicTok. But we're almost there. At this pace, we should have the average attention span reduced to single-digit seconds. But, hey, at least Bytedance and it's investors are killing it. So much winning it hurts!!!!!
Looks like the ban will go into place as the Supreme Court is going to rule that protecting citizens from an app with foreign ownership outweighs any first amendment argument. TikTok owners would be silly not to sell to an US company immediately or they will lose a lot of value.
Earlier today the Supreme Court upheld TikTok's constitutional challenge to the Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act (PAFACAA), which will block most of TikTok's operations in the United States unless its Chinese parent company, Bytedance, divests
Again, the biggest benefactor will be your children and society in general. But don't let that stop scumbags who are banking billions by destroying your kid's brains. Don't believe me? Go look up some of Jonathan Height's studies. It's all horrible. TT should just be the start if we are serious about healing our society.
Well sure. . . if economics is the sole driver. But it's not. Geopolitics is driving at least half of this. CCP would see selling as a personal loss of face, and we can't have that. Especially during these very trying times. Any show of weakness puts cracks in "The Mandate".
Supreme Court Allows TikTok Ban to Take Effect This Weekend, Citing Security, Despite Its 'Distinctive' Community Role
They don't own them, but they infiltrate the hell out of them. . . and have been for a long time. CCP has been pretty open in the past about how they'll use our "weaknesses" (freedom to express ourselves publicly) against us.