On the other hand Elon is heading toward trillionaire status and he's using that money to punish the enemies of Western civilization
So approximately 8 hours after spacex launches its big rocket. I would put money that musk’s goes up and Bezos gets delayed.
SpaceX pushed their launch back due to weather too. Both are currently set for the 16th now. Hopefully the both take off. Would be pretty monumental.
Hope it goes up, but since I can't see it from OK I am not staying up. I'll watch the video in the morning.
Nope. More Lefty projection. Since Musk ceased being face of the Left via Tesla/electric autos, and took down Facebook, Instagram, etc as big tech mouthpieces for the Left by buying Twitter and removing Chicom filtration (thereby introducing balance (God forbid!), and then, cardinal sin of cardinal sins.... threw in with the dreaded Donald J Trump--he has become the Left's public enemy no. 1. Well, no. 2 anyway. Yall are therefore rooting heartily for Musk to be overtaken and taken down, and any non pom poms cheerleading comments for any of EM's potential competition, yall deem "fanboi". Just another pscho symptom of TDS (And very pathetic).