Advisors: "Mr. Trump, there is no way to get around it, Americans pay the Tariff" Trump: "I am going to have the tariffs collected by the External Revenue Service. See? It's paid by externals! It's right in the name." Advisors: "Brilliant Sir."
As an aside: Harris or Trump: "I'm gonna do this, I'm gonna do that, blah blah blah, during the election. (Any candidate, any period) Just one catch, legislation must be introduced, then said legislation gets cut to pieces and modified to appease the various corrupt factions wanting their "piece", resulting in legislation modifications that does not resemble the original bill, then there is the little issue of passing the House, the Senate and getting signed into law by the Executive Branch, and that of course is while the Supreme Court get their dirty fingers in the pie and have their say. And this does not even address "implementation". Point being I love how the liars running for office seem to forget all these points in debates, in political advertising, or during the ra ra political gatherings where constituents get drunk and dream how much of the American dole they can get their greedy hands on. Welcome to the new boss, same as the old boss.