I don’t think anyone will reduce the deficit. We spent like crazy during Covid and kept doing after Covid even with the great economy we have enjoyed the last 2 years post covid the deficit has shot right back up. The federal budget swelled during Covid and hasn’t come close to pre pandemic levels. The more the Gov gets the more it “needs”.
Yup, covid caused the government to need to spend. And Deficit Don had started jacking up deficit spending years before covid - and in a strong and improving economy. That's actually the perfect time to cut some spending. Never mind, of course, Deficit Don's lie that he'd eliminate the debt (lol) or even reduce the deficit. He was just LYING as usual, as he didn't even pretend to try to do those things. He did cut corporate and top bracket taxes though, which he'll probably do again. Imagine being a grown adult and falling for that guy's lies again.....
You need to see how it compares to GDP. You guys crack me up. You'll notice the upward slope on every Republican Administration since Reagan and a downward slope on every Democratic administration since Reagan.
If you actually look the budget pre covid really didn’t rise very much. Federal outlays Federal Receipts 2016. 3.85 3.23 2017. 3.98. 3.32 2018. 4.11. 3.33 2019. 4.45. 3.45 In trillions of dollars. https://www.statista.com/statistics...-of-the-us-government-since-fiscal-year-2000/
The deficit as a percentage of GDP went up every year Trump was in office even if 2020 is excluded and keep in mind that was a period of declining unemployment. Another budget busting tax cut is a virtual certainty in the first year of Trump's second term and there is no way that Congress can or should cut spending to offset the loss of revenue.
It's weird that anyone even tries to argue this. Trump was almost as fiscally irresponsible as possible. End of story. Oh wait - we're going to fall for his BS again. Sadly the story goes on.
And Joe said hold my beer. I think they both suck. Said it many times. Funny thing is some here just ignore Biden’s spending like mad also. Hell Obama added more to the debt than Trump or Biden will have. Where is the outrage.
And yet you try to post misleading statistics about Trump. And you forget to mention that Trump instantly ramped up deficit spending in a healthy, improving inherited economy.....while Biden inherited the post-covid mess made worse by Trump's policy of lying to the nation, which undoubtedly made covid worse. One would think you'd realize your abortive attempts at deception would not succeed here by now.
I included 2016 for comparison that was the year pre Trump. Take a look at deficit spending the last two years under Biden since you’re such a deficit hawk (with a great economy).
They're both deficit spenders. And one did it in a healthy, growing, inherited economy. One did it in a post-covid disaster of an economy that, yes, probably needed fiscal stimulus. Your attempts to gaslight with the false comparison fail every time.
Actually Obama had the debit go up more under his watch than Trump or Biden is predicted to have it rise(but he was in office for 8 years) TOGs did it in half the time!
The biggest jump under Trump was his last year, the full hit of Covid with the biggest shutdowns. Under Biden we had a vaccine and many places didn’t stay shut down. Even if you ignore Biden’s first two years his last two under an incredible economy (we hear it here every day) he’s blown the deficit wide open. Sorry you refuse to look at the data man. The cognitive dissonance is laughable.