The giddy excitement from righties about all the miracles that Trump will deliver on has me harking back to the days of 2016 and all the things Trump said he would accomplish. 8 years later literally nothing was done. Right wingers will simply point to pre-covid years to distract from this abysmal record and say "See! there was no Covid impact those years." No shit. Trump left with the worse approval record of any modern president up to that time but did provide many laughs and made low IQ people feel like they had a champion with his low IQ speeches and tweets. But please. Let's get excited!!!! Mexico will pay for the wall! We will be at zero by this weekend! I wont have time to play golf! Repeal and replace with BETTER!! Economic growth of 4%!! I will eliminate the federal deficit! I will only hire the best people! I will bring back coal jobs! Lock her UP!! I will end the Opioid crisis! I will cut the cost of college! What a Term!
after EIGHT years of Obama, Trump came in & spent more. How can you get the bar any lower? &, yet. PRE COVID!!! who does he think he is, Ronald BIG GOV Reagan?
He accomplished the only reason I voted for him in 2016. Conservative SCOTUS appointments. And they last more than 4 years
Curious how much of the budget increase was directly in response to Covid, where we shutdown half the country for extended periods of time. I’m sure it’s part of both of their spending sprees.
Trump ran on balancing the budget and added to the deficit every year before Covid. You should know that already.
Budget deficit by year from 2016-2019: 2016: 590B 2017: 670B 2018: 780B 2019: 980B Trump increased it by 66% before covid. Expect more of the same the next 4 years.
WOW!! The biggest deficit is 2021 - a Trump budget. Actually, that's no surprise. We've known about the spending of Deficit Don for quite a while. Also; Several months before the 2016 election, Trump pledged he would be able to eliminate the national debt – then around $19 trillion – “over a period of eight years.”
You people keep using facts to make Donald look bad! Next you'll be telling us that Trump is not the world's best protector of women!
Sure. The deficit was 3.13 trillion in Trump's last year (2020) and 1.83 trillion in 2024. Do you honestly think Trump is going to reduce the deficit?
Yep Covid cause the GOV to spend like mad, the shuttered economy cut tax receipts. Funny what a pandemic will do.