our local newspaper used to post daily rates and then switched to weekly, then monthly, then stopped altogether. Dont remember when those switches occurred but it was well into Biden's term.
Literally the first headline on cbsnews. California fires death toll rises as L.A. area braces for more winds
And that data is from October 2024. If you (collectively) read the news at that time you know "what about NC ?". I'm not downplaying the seriousness of the tragedy, it's not news anymore. How about "what about Hurricane Katrina?".
As the rate of deaths started declining the number of Covid deaths became less newsworthy. Between the declining lethality of the dominant strains of the virus compared the original form and the Delta variant and vaccination rate which also reduced the number of deaths Covid deaths ceased being a statistic drawing public interest.
That and the general public has the attention span of a gnat. The LA fires will be forgotten about as the news cycle moves on to other things and other events happen. Nothing new about that.
It’s true, I admittedly forgot about NC floods. That being said, you can also only report on the same thing so many times. This can be chalked up to a short attention span or also no new unique information being reported.
the area where Katrina hit has long since recovered- NC is recent and has a long long way to go before they can say they have recovered - I suspect the reason you libs are less than empathetic towards NC is because that area is full of Trump supporters
The MSM will never get tired of talking about their precious LA. We will hear about this disaster forever. Somehow I feel that Newsom will get a pass.
Funny. I walked into the room where my wife had JUST STARTED the pbs newshour (I don't watch news). FIRST thing they mentioned was the death count & even used "at least" before announcing 24 dead. I can prove it too cuz my wife records it.
The recovery process in NC is underway. The Federal Government should support and stay until the job is done. The fires in LA are still burning, and body count expected to rise. It will be very weeks before recovery can begin. But weeks from now, assuming the fires are out, LA won't be the top, national story. Especially if and when the next natural disaster hits. That's just the nature of the news. If it bleeds, it leads. And rebuilding isn't as sexy of a story.
I agree that North Carolina is still in the recovery phase and my sympathies are with the residents of Western North Carolina that have been affected by the flooding caused by the remnants of Hurricane Helene. That being said the flooding albeit truly catastrophic occurred in late September 2024. It's no longer a major news story. the wildfires in Southern California broke out less than a week ago. The extent of the damage and the number of fatalities still haven't been determined, the fires are still burning, homes and other structures are still being destroyed. Other than that one FEMA worker who went rogue and was subsequently and deservedly canned I cannot think of any "libs" who expressed lack of empathy for the residents impacted by the flooding because they may be Trump supporters.