Supposedly due to an “icy vent line.” I saw one person pushing to call it BONG for Blue Origin New Glenn. I can get on board with that.
Seems that a number of posters in this thread are taking pleasure in trying to label Bezo's attempt at commercial launch services as a failure. For purposes of comparison and although he has a long record of success, Musk's Space X has also experienced multiple delays and actual failures while rockets were still in the development stage. SpaceX launched its giant new rocket but explosions end the second test flight
With something this complicated, the first launch is usually a series of setbacks. Hopefully, this makes it off the ground and into orbit soon. Competition in this area is a good thing.
I think it is very important that we have more than just SpaceX putting us into outer space. Competition forces companies to improve or get left behind.
Which Billionaire Oligarch should I root for? Such a tough decision. I am so glad i am not forced into rooting for super smart NASA nerds who dedicate their lives work to the betterment of mankind through space exploration. That was lame. Rooting for twitterlord vs amazon-primetime is way more fun.
I was up until 3:15 am when the launch was scrubbed. Earlier the launch was described as one you could see from states north as the blast would be huge. My wife did also. It was clear last night. Super disappointed.
Yeah I was up until 1:00 when they bumped it back to 1:50 I went on to bed. Woke up a couple hours later and checked my computer and saw they had canceled it again. It's scheduled again tonight but with the weather looking the way it is I doubt it will be a go. They have been trying to launch this thing forever, it's just one thing after another.
Sad thing is in the case of Musk’s they were able to develop reusable components that NASA felt was not possible. I’m all for NASA but if it can be done cheaper and better by the private sector then great. Add to the fact it’s not just the taxpayer footing the bill seems like a win/win.
I have seen nothing but people hoping for a successful launch. I have said that competition is a good thing. Can people be disappointed that it has not launched yet? Sure, that doesn't mean they want it to fail.
Correct, it may look to some that I am pulling against the New Glenn rocket but I have actually been watching the launch schedule since early December. Knowing that it is a large rocket I am curious to watch it lift off. I'm just aware that it has been canceled a dozen or so times and don't have a lot of faith that it will launch anytime they set a new launch window. Some of our posters just try to read too much into comments.
They are slow... just like the legacy government procurement corporations. Honestly, SpaceX is alone as the best, most efficient rocket company on Earth. No one is even close.
The leap from sub orbital flights to orbiting the Earth is huge. Accelerating to 18,000 mph instead of just 3000 or 4000 is remarkably different and more difficult. Doesn’t make sense not to try this with a smaller rocket first.
No. I think the purpose of this launch is to test the heavy rocket. They already know what the performance needs to be.