Imagine being deluded to the point that you blame the country actively being invaded for the war. What kind of leader wouldn't be begging for money as their country is invaded?
Yeah, Zelensky is a real patriot. Lining his own pockets while his people die in a war that could have ended long ago if our current administration had any credibility. When the money dries up suddenly he is ready to make a deal.
wow! war can end if you just simply surrender! I'm sure they'd promise not to invade the third time! how would the war have ended long ago exactly? by ceding vast portions of their country to an invader? pathetic mindset. sure hope you never get to make important decisions.
It is call diplomacy. The current administration would rather throw money at the problem rather than negotiate. The reason why is that no one knows who is running this country over the last couple of years. Wars are very profitable for the rich. As a dem elite, I am sure that you admire the theft by Zelensky. Party’s over!
Considering most of our aid is in munitions, I find it hard to believe that is enriching their president. However, I am sure your RT Today newscast will fill me in with details
Maybe if you took a second to read the articles I attached you would be a bit more informed. They are not from right leaning news sources so it should be right up your alley.
What you posted was an opinion piece. It's given there is corruption there. They aren't in the EU yet because of it. I just find it comical that people are blaming Ukraine for Russia invading them two times. It's a joke. Where is your energy for the Russians?
No one is blaming Ukraine for Russia invading them. That is definitely not the fault of the Ukrainian people. Zelensky was not popular with the people before the war and is even less popular now. He prolonged this war to line his pockets. His people know it. He will go off to live like a king while his people pick up the pieces. He was corrupt before the war and he is rich now. A true patriot. Edit: The opinion piece had a lot of support built into the article.
I find most of the crap you post to be pretty funny & predictible too. I just chalk it up to you being a MSM parrot. LOL