I guess Amazon aka New Horizon is going to try and challenge Tesla aka SpaceX in outer space - Bezos has a lot of catching up to do https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/j...=DM736528_01112025&s=acs&dkt_nbr=010102dggwnw
I'll never forgive Bezos for this. Captain gosh darn Kirk, emotionally explaining his first voyage to space. On the verge of tears. And Bezos, distracted by giggling girls, simply unable to appreciate the moment. For Pete's sake, it's a moment Bezos made happen. Let Schatner have his glorious moments and give us Schatners glorious moment - then you can celebrate and say, "I'm so glad "we" ("I") made this day happen". But no, he's a 16 year old narcissist:
That launch has only been postponed/canceled about 10 times already. I wouldn't count on it going off tonight.
SpaceX is far ahead of Bezos and his Blue Origins rockets. Those legacy companies like Boeing and Blue Origins et al. are slow and costly. These companies work at the speed of red-tape... government contracts.
LMAO once again 51's prediction comes true. Florida Rocket Launch Schedule: Video Feed, Today & Upcoming - Space Launch Schedule
SpaceX is far ahead of everyone but Blue Origin is not a legacy company. It was founded within 18 months of SpaceX.
congratulations, you predicted that rough conditions at the site of the recovery barge would delay the launch?? do you do hurricane tract predictions too?
interesting that the heavy lift market was abandoned by most in the earlier years. if they can make this work, there is lots of market to be had as spacex is still trying to figure out their heavy lift too A powerful potential challenger to SpaceX’s rocket dominance is poised to launch The New Glenn is a heavy-lift vehicle, Henry noted, and vehicles of its size and power have “grown in importance over the years.” Roughly a decade ago, rocket companies anticipated that small, lightweight rockets would become the next launch phenomenon because they would be capable of rapidly launching satellites intended to flesh out a string of megaconstellations — or networks of small satellites — in low-Earth orbit. “But two things happened,” Henry said. “First is that none of the constellation (operators) went to small rockets. They all went to the medium- or heavy-lift because getting more up in a single mission is faster and more economical than doing this one or two satellites at a time. And then the second is those satellites themselves got bigger.”
SpaceX is autonomous and Musk is the driving force behind their innovation in rocket technology... Blue Origin is a slow government contractor with other people, not named Bezos, creating/designing their rockets and tech. SpaceX is far ahead of the competition, directly because of Elon Musk and his genius.
The New Glenn may be a couple times bigger than the Falcon 9 but it is not much at all bigger than the Falcon Heavy which is already proven. The New Glen may not take over the heavy launch capability.
I didn't make my prediction based on the current weather but based it on the record of the New Glenn. They have been trying to get it off the ground for it's Madien Flight for a couple of months now. They always seem to come up with some excuse. No doubt it will launch soon but I just wouldn't depend too heavily on any attempt.
Blue Origin is not part of Boeing; Jeff Bezos is the sole owner. Certainly Musk has done a much better job than Bezos advancing rocket technology and it’s not close. How much is Musk vs Gwynne Shotwell is hard to say though. She doesn’t get nearly the recognition she deserves running that company for the past 14+ years, the entirety of SpaceX’s successful rocket launches. She’s also an engineer and had a couple decades experience in the aerospace industry before taking over SpaceX.
The problem for New Glenn will be Starship, a fully reusable rocket system with 2-3 times the payload capacity and an extra two meters in diameter dimensional capacity.
That was supposed to read Blue Origin is like Boeing, not part of Boeing... even though Boeing is thinking about spinning off their rocket department to Jeff Bezos and Blue Origin. But they are slow and far behind SpaceX in rocket technology innovation. But Bezos is looking to acquire and partner up with other companies to bring NASA more options. Blue Origin, Sierra Space, and Boeing announce Orbital Reef - NASASpaceFlight.com
Nobody is feeling threatened by shit except you.....My comment was just an observation, being a Central Florida resident who has a very close friend (my daughter-in-laws) father who works for NASA and being a star gazer I keep an eye on scheduled launches from time to time.....I happened to know the New Glenn rocket has been on the launch pad for at least a month and has been canceled multiple times. My comment had nothing to do with either Bezos or Musk. It was simply a suggestion that the article linked by the OP might well be wrong about a launch last night.....It is scheduled again tonight, it may or may not be a go.
I know a Kateland Kirk. Her brother's name is James Tiberius Kirk. I like that better than the name given to one of Elon's sons: X Æ A-12.