Some responses: -Ford's pardon of Nixion set a political norm that in the US we do not go after our political enemies after they leave office. Democrats decided to break that norm and crossed the Rubicon. So now that norm is broken and some on the The Right will say criminal investigations into Smith, Merchan, etc are clear cases of criminal activity. Will you think that is not a case of lawfare? -Seeing as Smith charged Trump with a whole bunch of crimes, I doubt the report will say Trump did nothing wrong. -The point I am making is that whether or not you or Democrats agree, Republicans believe that lawfare has been waged against them in order to affect the outcome of the election. (Haley and DeSantis staffers will tell you the primary was over when Trump was charged.) The end result is not "we will think bad of you," it is "Alright, now it's your turn on the wrong end of lawfare." You already see it with TJGator's post about Smith. What will you saw when the Trump DoJ opens up a criminal investigation into Merchan federal taxes? I do not think it will be "This is simply an investigation into what appears to be a clear case of criminal activity." This is the thing that is making our political divisions worse. It is not enough just to win now because if you lose, you are put through a legal process where even if you prevail, you still lose. The US is better off if both parties call a truce on lawfare, laying down their arms, and stop trying to put each other in jail.
What if he is actually not a legally appointed Special Counsel? Should he still write a report and turn it in?
there is nothing lawfare about documenting what djt did. if you don't want to be a felon, don't commit felonies. he was being charged because he committed crimes, that isn't lawfare. chasing hunter biden for a gun form violation that is NEVER prosecuted as a standalone crime while not doing the same to Gaetz who has admitted to using drugs and owning guns at same time and millions of others holding medical mj cards and still buying guns is lawfare.
So there was no lawfare used against Trump by AG Bragg in NYC? Cannot think of anyone other candidate in NYC that lied about using campaign funds in order to affect the outcome of a 2016 election? Just remember, Republicans will now also get to say "There is nothing lawfare about documenting what XXX did."
my god, what if Cannon had a clue..nope, not going down the cannon rabbit holes whackamole..delay, confuse, obfuscate..never discuss the reality of what he did the man encouraged a violent rebellion, sat on hsi ahnds and watched it happen, and took highly classified documents, left them usnecured, and refused to return them compromising multiple highly classified oiperations. any reasonable, rational person agrees to those facts. it is well documented for all to see. you seem to care little for the substance, jsut the hole too try and wiggle out of so you don't have to acknowledge what he did. wtf ameriz was thinking electing such a treacherous person is beyond my understanding. it's like people just forget that it happened or those things don't matter
I'd point out that Justice Thomas is the one that identified that Smith appointment has some legal issues, and I am sure that you, as a former Republican hold Justice Thomas, in high esteem. I have repeatedly said on here that I think the classified documents case was Smith's best case but he should have focused on obstruction in that case, rather than the classified issue. 17 months was not long enough to get a case about classified documents to trial. Smith chose not to. Is that "caring little for the substance"? But please tell me more about classified information. I and @vaxcardinal would be fascinated to hear about your experience and insights about it. Do not mistake my arguments as support for Trump. As I pointed out to River, we need to get away from lawfare as a country. That is my whole point in this thread. Whether you agree or not, Republicans feel like lawfare was used against them, now they are going to be in power. Do you think releasing the report is worth it if Trump sees it as an excuse to retaliate, especially if Trump is as awful as you think he is?
Thomas, never met a trip with a billionaire I didn't like but failed to disclose while I let him fund my kids private tuition and still rule on cases that impacts the biz Thomas? Seriously. Him and Alito should both be removed from the bench. Alito pimping for a former clerk while djt asking for a little favor before the court, after hanging upside down flags at their house supporting the J6 revolt..smdh at what we seem to be willing to wink at these days or demand dna proof for i have no insights into classified information other than those published by the justice department and widely published in the media. highly classified and current information was treated with recklessness that compromised operations. nice baiting though. were there recent, scif level documents at ML left in unsecure areas? nuclear capabilities shared with Australian billionaire buddy? anyone else would have been in a cell long ago. these aren't three year old schedules and calendar notes
Yes, and if there are flaws in the report we can be aware of them and if need be they can be looked into. Why hide stuff?
If you have no insights into classified information, you are better off not trying to explain to the people that have handled it for 20+ years. I'd normally be happy to explain the aspects of the Trump documents case but I doubt you would listen and frankly you always come off a little unhinged anytime someone points out anything that is helpful to Trump.
So now you would have a lawyer that was ruled to not be a special counsel and was removed from the case, turning in a Special Counsel's report on a case that he was removed from to the AG? Why not just have AG Garland appoint a new Special Counsel and have him turn in the report that Smith prepared?
republicans also feel like immigrants were eating the pets the 2020 election was rigged the economy sucks while setting record travel and retail purchases a wall will stop immigration deporting millions of our labor source in the food and service industry will not hurt our economy other countries will pay for the tariffs religion (christian) belongs in schools life begins at conception russia had to invade ukraine to protect itself ..i could go on which of these disconnects from reality are we supposed to accommodate and which are allowed to be challenged? quote ten cases where the biden charge was a stand alone charge business fraud like djt was convicted of is widely charged in NY fyi witness against biden in ukraine course pled guilty and sentenced today by the way. entire committees put together based on russian informant. Ex-FBI informant who fabricated claims about Bidens sentenced to 6 years | Reuters this is lawfare. The Hunter Biden bribery allegations have been a Russian op since the start | Page 7 | Swamp Gas Forums
Why not just appoint a different Special Counsel and have him turn in the same report that Smith would have? I do not get your issue with this, if you think that Smith's Report should be turned into the AG, why not just do it that way to get around any issues with Smith's appointment.
I thought I read that Smith prepared two separate reports/volumes - one relating to the Jan 6 case handled by Judge Chutkan and the other in the classified docs case handled by Judge Canon. It would seem a little odd to me if, once the appeals are concluded, we ultimately get to see a report related to one case but not the other case. Did Judge Chutkan ever rule on the question of whether Smith was validly appointed?