Does this mean his NIL money evaluation might be going down or does Miami still evaluate him the same??? Inquiring minds want to know.... Asking for a friend.... Don't shoot the messenger....
That person is 'Santa Claus", Ryan was not happy when he discovered his Christmas gift was an assortment of Ohio State fan gear.
Ouch, negligent homicide, hit and run, on a vet? Kyren has some trouble coming his way. Should have faced the music and not run, just gonna make it worse.
once i saw that pic of the vet, i said “they about to hit him with football numbers when he get sentenced”. this tweet from him from a few years ago got one helluva meaning now
. I read the article on this. Anyone want to guess what car he was driving fast? It’s seems to be a popular one with Ga and Bama players too.
What a tragedy, a death, and a promising young life, with so much to gain, derailed, and now looking at a set of RR tracks that's a hellevalot harder to negotiate. Both families emotionally shattered. Rough news all the way around.
So, now that the schools are paying these "student athletes" that victim's family can sue the school (LSU) for millions of dollars for this negligent homicide? I'll bet no one has even thought about this angle of paying these kids directly from their universities. They are not connected and on the gook for their athletic sports, football player's, actions. So, the House of Representatives and the NCAA have together opened up a can of worms that seem to be unintended consequences of their new school pay-for-play policies. Watch for people to start suing the schools for these miscreants' actions off the football field. Maybe they should rethink putting the universities on the hook for paying these players, and in doing so making them employees of their respective schools. This might never happen because the schools might not be accountable, but different states might have laws that allow for this to happen. Keep the NIL the way it is... without any connection to the schools. It's the best way to make this all work. Go Gators!
Young people are going to do stupid things, young people with eff-you money can afford faster cars to wrecklessly drive in (not that it sounds like this was a particularly flashy car). But why would the school be on the hook because of the employer-employee relationship? Is your employer on the hook if you get a DUI on your own time? Maybe if the school owned/leased the vehicle it could be an issue. But that isn’t necessarily because of NIL (if anything NIL money should make it easier to let the kids buy vehicles in their own name rather than risk a “company car”).
Yeah, that makes sense, but why even make them something close to employees when we do NOT have to. Just take that money and move it though the NIL instead, I don't like this NCAA/House arrangement. Unions and collective bargaining is on the way too. Another reason why this has to be stopped.
At present the school doesn't pay an athlete, NIL is provided by a collective or by an actual entity using the athlete for their NIL. Would Gatorade be sued if Michael Jordan had a car wreck? Would your employer be sued if your dog bit your neighbor? Not sure i see the connection. One might hope that boosters everywhere tire of giving kids outrageous amounts of money they haven't earned and aren't prepared to handle....but that doesn't appear to be happening