Ha. Nice stretch. maybe Napier can use your defense. “We didn’t lose, we just didn’t have as many points at the end of the game…we just need extra time “ for the record. I’m all for your continued lawfare. It’s been a far greater help to trump than any republican strategist.
Just what I said in post #15. That does NOT change the fact Trump is a 34 time convicted felon. The judge felt constrained that he could not put a (very soon to be) sitting in president in prison or jail or even on probation. Had Trump lost the election, who knows?
I don't need help with math and far as a mandate is concerned the margin in the popular vote is more significant that the margin in the Electoral College and by the way Clinton's margin in the EC and the popular vote in 1992 was significantly larger than Trump's margin in 2024 as was Obama's in both 2008 and 2012. You can gloat for now but Clinton, Bush in 2004 and Obama in 2008 all thought that they had mandates keeping in mind that the Democrat majority in both Houses of Congress was larger following the 1992 and 2008 elections was larger than the Republican majorities following the 2024 election as was the Republican majorities in 2004. Two years after those elections the opposing party won in wave elections, the Republicans in 1994 and 2010 and the Democrats in 2006. Enjoy the next two years of Republican majorities led by the Orange God. His absolute reign will come to end two years from now. Remember "Pride cometh before the fall". Both Bush following the 2004 election and Obama following the 2008 thought that they had mandates for significant change. It didn't turn out that way.
Because the defendant would become King in a couple of weeks, cloaked with the historic form of sovereign immunity.
The judge could have sentenced him. He is not in office yet last time I checked. Your "King" comment is a bit dramatic. By that logic, is Hunter a "King" too? He is clearly immune from punishment. Try again.
I'm not a lawyer, but I assume because the felon will become President within a couple weeks. Oh, I get it!! You're trying to insinuate that the felon didn't commit crimes, and isn't a felon because........the judge didn't enforce a strict punishment!! Sorry. Nice try, but you failed on this. That guy is a criminal no matter who says so, or what happens. He's broken the law, ignored the norms, disrespected the system, and intentionally harmed people in every single facet of his life. Yes, he's also legally and technically a criminal and felon. But we all know and knew he was that before this trial. So please try to gaslight somewhere else. Oh, and congrats for voting for a felon who is also an adjudicated and admitted sexual assaulter!! You must be so proud!!
If Joe Biden didn't pardon Hunter he could very well be end up serving time. He doesn't have defacto immunity as a matter of law. Although there hasn't been an actual decision addressing Trump's situation between the opinion of the DOJ Office of Legal Counsel and the recent Supreme Court decision a serving president is effectively immune from incarceration. At the very most imposition of any sentence would be stayed at least four years. If Judge Marchand sentenced Trump to incarceration or even home confinement at Trump Tower or Mar-a-Lago, there is no way he could be compelled to serve the sentence not so if Hunter wasn't pardoned and the judges overseeing the cases against him sentenced him to prison. When you're been elected to presidency you can do the crime without serving the time.
But Hunter WAS pardoned by his father, the President. So he is immune from incarceration as well. Right? I guess it isn't JUST the President that is immune.
Hunter's immune by virtue of the pardon not by virtue of the law as is the case with Trump. There is a difference.