Juliet Cherubet Texas Tech will transfer to Florida. Juliet was 11th in the recent NCAA Cross Country Championships, and probably underperformed. UF has 6 of its 7 runners … that placed 12th, that are eligible to return. The Lady Gators needed a 5th high place finisher to move up in the team standings, Cherubet should be that, as long as the others come back. Cherubet also qualified for last years outdoor championships, and finished 5th in the 5K, she also qualified in the 1500M.
Apparently Cherubet will transfer “again” to Oregon. It is painfully obvious that no one can be counted as an addition until in season, if then. I was going to list a male runner who has committed as a transfer, but who knows at this point. We’ll see who we have when indoor season gears up in earnest.
LetsRun.com has Justin Braun from USC (Trojans) to UF but also below comment!!! The new FSU Head XC/Track coach has completely screwed up the program in less than a year. Rather than hire a Head XC coach, he hires an asst. with little experience and makes him the Head Coach. Then with the track program, he has lost multiple All-American's and has not made up for it with recruiting. Neither XC/Track at FSU will be good again due to the massive changes that have been made by the new coach. Completely ruined what Bob Braman had established with the XC & Track programs.
Yes it was/is Braun. He is potentially an outstanding pickup who some had as the number one recruit in the country a couple of years ago… unfortunately while good at USC, he has underperformed, at least as far as expectations were concerned.
Stride Report also shows Braun, but they both also showed Cherubet. Things do happen from time to time, but the new transfer rules ( or lack there of ) are disconcerting. I’m not blaming Mouse or UF, but it’s very difficult to get information on UF track and field, and the volatility in the portal further complicates things. Let’s Run has some good info, but it’s second or third hand and you have to wade through some of most ridiculous posts in all of sports domains to find them. Our overall track and field program “is” the best in the country, and Mouse Holloway is the best coach, but in my opinion neither receive the credit, nor coverage they deserve.