Yeah, the Robert E. Lee statue in Charlottesville, for example, was dedicated about 60 years after the Civil War had ended. Many of those statues also coincidentally coincided with the apex of the Klan's power.
Yep, a collective middle finger from those who were still pissed about the confederacy losing the war. It seem some are still pissed about that, yet they call themselves patriots. smdh.
Let’s let corporations pay for branding. Tostitos Rocky Mountains, Home Depot gulf of America, Walmart Mount Rushmore. Disney Grand Canyon. Raise tons of money let’s do it.
imagine the price you could get for lots on the rim of the grand canyon. we could turn key biscayne into singer island 2 with a small moat and a few gates. saudis will finance the deal, complete with a trump tower at the end to replace that old park nobody uses
Are Canada, Greenland and Panama Trump's version of "living space"? In other words, an excuse to invade near-by countries. Lebensraum. The concept of Lebensraum—or “living space”—served as a critical component in the Nazi worldview that drove both its military conquests and racial policy.
I mean honestly, why not? The U.S. has far more coastline on the Gulf of America than Mexico does. Trump understands one thing, and it's a sad thing, but it's true. On the world stage you either dominate, or be dominated. We've been dominated for the last 4 years. I've never really understood why it was called the Gulf of Mexico anyway. It's not like Trump wants to rename it the "Gulf of the U.S". The Gulf of America (since it does touch North America, Central America and South America) is actually far better and more accurate. Always enjoy seeing the Gulf of America!
you’re right. I spend very little time concerned with what YOU say people think about the US. You think today’s press conference makes the US a laughingstock? For starters at least we have a president that will actually have a press conference. You seem to think nothing of propping up a president for 4 years like weekend at Bernie’s while he either shakes hands with ghosts or yells at clouds. Yeah. That doesn’t seem to move the needle on your personal embarrassment scale. Embarrassing is having foreign leaders hold your president hand and guide him across stage or use the Easter bunny to prevent someone from asking a follow up question about another ridiculous permutation of the corn pop story. You also seem to conflate and parse words to attempt to make some sort of point. Fine people , patriots. You jump from hoax to hoax to hoax. Nobody has defended anyone who attacked LE and those should be prosecuted to fullest extent. Charging people for walking across the capital grounds property and never went inside ridiculous but you don’t care. You see a red hat and Tourette like want them in prison. The same Person(you) who would proclaim that the riots and Chaz as mostly peaceful and summer of love, want anyone and everyone within a 3 mile radius on Jan 6 in jail.
I'm sure the gulf got its name before the US had any coastline on it. i.e. colonial times. Spain and France had colonies that were on the gulf. It's not like Biden tagged it "Gulf of Mexico" in the past four years. Every potus we've had has governed the country with that name in place. May want to take the original name up with Spain, as it is a good bet that is where it came from.
I don’t care about adding Greenland, Canada and Mexico. Solve the illegal immigration problem and downsize: sell California to China to help pay off the debt.
I’m going to assume comments like this is where the “uneducated” quips originate. You could demonstrate a little bit of intellectual curiosity and understand what you see today isn’t what always was. It’s been called the Gulf of Mexico for no less than 500 years since the Spanish occupied the area. Mexica is another name for what we call the Aztecs, an indigenous peoples that lived in Mexico at the time of Spain’s conquest and were the successors to the Olmec and Toltecs, the first to the region. But sure, question a name that predates our country by at least two centuries.
And yet as a country we surpassed them a century ago, really longer, with relative ease. Shows you how messed up Mexico is. I don't give a da*n about which country is here longer. And you defeated your own argument. You admitted that the also weren't the original. So why not the "Gulf of Olmec" or the "Gulf of Toltecs"? You try to use the "they were here earlier" argument against the U.S. but then selectively do not use it against the Aztecs. So hypocritical. But on a lighter note, what beaches do you enjoy most on the Gulf of America?
I didn’t defeat any argument. You just don’t know the significance of the time period. It so happened in 1569 an individual named Gerardo Mercator created a first of its kind, a world map with the Mercator projection. Yes, it’s still used today. The original Mercator map used the name “Golfo Mexi” because that’s what Spain discovered at the time. The Spaniards didn’t know of or who the Olmec and Toltecs were then. They didn’t even use the name the Aztecs used for the gulf.
Agreed, I don't want us to absorb those countries. Just more entitlements and more of a nanny state. I do think retaking control of the Panama Canal, or at least getting a much more active role and maybe a partnership (maybe 50/50 ownership between the U.S. and Canada) in it is very important. Honestly, I would offer Canada a trade. Give Canada a few areas, specifically far southern Alaska, Washington, Oregon and maybe far northern California (Redding up to Oregon). Let them form their Cascadia region that many in those areas have wanted for a long time. In return, the U.S. gets Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. But like you, illegal immigration is the #1 issue. Definitely don't sell California to China, we don't need them on our door step. I'd be okay selling far northern California to Canada and maybe let most of California become its own country. Keep the stretch of California from Orange County to San Diego as it's the most conservative and military friendly area of the state. Plus the U.S. still needs to have significant access to the Pacific Ocean.
MAGA logic: “He may be a raving lunatic, but at least he does press conferences to show the whole world how insane he is!” If anything, he should be hidden away like Biden has been. Please, for the love of god, stop opening your mouth, Donald. Each time you do you embarrass us more and more on a national stage.
Negotiating for what? Seems odd to threaten our allies with hostile takeovers and invasions in very Putin-fashion and expect it to go well.
Especially since part of the touted "success" of Trump was keeping us out foreign wars and entanglements. Now he's threatening hostile takeovers of allies. It's almost like he has no actual principles....