100% he's the same sort of goober who gets mad when football coaches/athletes don't shake hands at the end of games and says its "ruining the sport."
He could have tucked the Bible or held both in each hand for 5 seconds. Don’t make excuses for douchebags.
Not sure he saw her in time to shake her hand as she moved away before he could react. That is what it looked like to me. I have no idea if he has a dislike for her for some reason. I don't really know anything about him. If he did it on purpose then he has a problem as there is no reason to be that way to anyone.
The cane didn’t but don’t know if he has condition that requires the use of a cane and would explain not making eye contact. I’m sure more details will come out on this since this is such an important issue.
1- after watching the video he appears to have some cognitive issues 2- it took him a moment to react and it looked to me like his wife said something to him and then tried to take the Bible so he could respond but by that moment kammie had moved on.
Haven’t seen the video but that would certainly be a reasonable explanation though the libbies in here won’t accept that
Where is the mod that has a need to close “crap” topics???? This is one of the dumbest discussions ever on Too Woke Swamp Gas. This guy is getting a double flush for this mindless “crap”.
Enjoy your new party… Enjoy penis in the ladies room. Enjoy diversity over competency. Enjoy purple hair and blm. Enjoy defund the police. Enjoy higher taxes. Trump is an idiot but he’s better than this.