I think I finally figured it out: To the right, free speech on social media means to allow foreign adversaries to interfere with our politics and elections as long as it benefits MAGA.
Anyone thinking only the right is lying on social media is hilarious. I'm not naive enough to think only 1 side is always telling the truth. But of course we see in this thread the usual suspects out here playing politics...
Although both sides lie the left doesn't come remotely close to the right. I would add that's only been the case since the right elevated Donald Trump to his position as the leader of a cult accepting everything that the pathological liar says as if it were the absolute truth.
Yahoo. Can’t wait for more photos of Obama’s prayer cloth, proof of Biden’s secret plot to imprison Christians, and tales of how the Covid vaccine made somebody’s wee-wee fall off. We. Are. Doomed
Dont worry there will be positive stories, like Trump laying his hands on a dying man and curing them of disease and how invermectin increases libido
Correct. The left is in love with how smart they know they are, yet they are the ones who cling to this fundamental fallacy of bad civics education.
Weird comment. Nobody cares if the right checks facts. The problem, of course, is that they won't be able to lie while doing it. This is probably the reason that they don't ever seem to do any fact checking. It seems much easier to drive-by lie - publish fake articles and misleading headlines, hope for no defamation suits, then just move on to the next.
At least they kept the free speech promise for a few hours Facebook Deletes Internal Employee Criticism of New Board Member Dana White
We all are aware that Musk is banning or shadow banning those that hurt his feelings, right? Pulling articles that are critical of him? Shadow banning accounts that are critical of his allies? “Free speech” here means “whatever benefits Musk’s or ‘conservative’ agenda” or “evidence-based checking bad.” It’s truly another Idiocracy moment. Soon, we’ll hear how Powerade has what plants crave because it has electrolytes.
The United States is a democracy. It’s a representative democracy, but that’s still a bloody democracy. This line of reasoning is routinely used to erode democratic norms and rights in favor of those who are in power. A correct phrasing would be that we are not a direct democracy. That, however, doesn’t meet the agenda of certain powerful people. It’s not “the left” here. It’s that a certain group of people want to create an alternate reality inoculated from empirical evidence, let alone more complex things like theory. I mean the latter in the scientific sense, not how it’s flagrantly used on bad crime dramas.
Exactly, we need to start teaching facts in school, in that America, Iran and China all have a republican forms of government that allow people to vote for their leaders
Just repeal Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and the marketplace and judicial system will ferret out the truth published online.
For those of you that MAY wish to cure your own ignorance: A republic is a form of government in which the people elect, or choose, their leaders. In most countries with a republican government, the people elect the head of the government, such as a president. They also elect other people, called representatives, to make laws. representative democracy, political system in which citizens of a country or other political entity vote for representatives to handle legislation and otherwise rule that entity on their behalf. The elected representatives are in turn accountable to the electorate for their actions You’ll notice that these two words are synonyms. Direct democracy is a completely different system. direct democracy, in which all citizens directly vote on laws to be passed and other issues. Most modern countries are representative democracies. It appears that some of you need to brush up on your understanding of basic civics. Glad I could help.
Back in 2020 I was banned for week. Context: a friend and I were engaged in conversation about our respective body temperatures. I told him mine typically registers around 97.5. He allowed as how his was lower than that. I said he was a reptile. I was banned for using hate speech.
This person is clearly a commie socialist liberal who got too woke reading them paper-and-word things. My alternative facts say you just want Republican Jesus out from His rightful place in our schools, government, and oil-saturated hearts.