Well he's got Antonio Brown's mouthpiece, but don't think he has the skillset to get away with it as long as AB did.
The Chief should've gone to Stanford and stayed there all 4-5 years and gotten a kick-ass degree. 24 tackles in a career that started with Mullen might mean he's already transferred to his last FBS school.
Great pickup... The kid is from Chatanooga. If you count my college flag football stats, I have more receptions than him.
What little I have seen of him, he is a speedy kid. Too bad he could never make it work. p.s. on that note, can we tamper withTJ Moore at Clemson and pull him in- maybe next year is the time to do it after Klubnik leaves.
It must be nice to do three of your years of education elsewhere and then transfer to Stanford the last year and have your undergrad degree say Stanford....without any debt too by the way.
I've got an old bicycle if he wants to come sit on our bench. I would require he drop the lawsuit before I grease the chain and hand it over though.