Reminds me of my elementary school times in Miami back in the day. Kids pranked me into believing the Star-Spangled Banner's lyrics were "Jose can you see."
After January 20th, her political career is over, so I dont really care. Lets just get this embarrassment of an Administration out as fast as possible so we can welcome in the next embarrassment. Go USA, home of the stupid.
I'm not sure that I would completely count her out of politics. There is a good chance that she will for governor of California in 2026. And let's not forget that four years ago the conventional wisdom was that Trump's political career was over following his loss to "Sleepy Joe" in November 2020 and his second impeachment in January and although it was probably before your time there was also Richard Nixon. After losing the presidential election in 1960 he ran for the governorship of California in 1962 losing to Pat Brown in a landslip following which he made the statement "you don't have Nixon to kick around any more, because, gentlemen, this is my last press conference.".
She wont have the funding from donors to run for Gov of California. Dem donors are pissed, they arent going to fund another run for her.
You mean rape and murder... like some of the illegals that she let into our country have committed, right? And while you're at it, city, tell us when and where Trump was convicted of rape.
You keep stanning for rapists. It’s a good look for you. You think 17 women and a jury of one of them are all liars.
I remember Chief Justice Roberts screwing up the oath of office swearing in Obama. Of course he has totally failed to uphold his own oath so maybe the flub wasn't a mistake