I grew up in California. Been eating Asian food for more than 70 years—and I still can’t use chopsticks!
Any recommendations on which type or brand of chopsticks to use? Have you tried and just gave up or are you just not interested in acquiring the technique necessary to be proficient? Thanks - I'm truly interested. I think this would be a real upgrade to one's dining manner.
Baz- I’ve used them before but truthfully it was somewhat of a labored process. At this point I have enough arthritis in my hands I just use the silverware that I’m used to.
OK thanks, Bill. I hear ya on the practicality of using conventional silverware. I'm not so sure I will be able to get the hang of it, but don't mind giving it a go. I mean....I've used chopsticks in the past, but it's been years. One of those things where you want to challenge yourself - very consistent with aspects of anything food-related!
I just couldn’t get the hang of it. My mother could use them and tried to teach me, and I had several Asian friends in college, but no could do.
Tonight we’re having chicken’n’rice and grilled cheese sandwiches. I got a bottle of Knob Creek 9yr old 120* for Christmas that I’m going to crack open this evening. Ms. Jan is having her chilled wine. Wishing everyone a Happy New Year! Don’t know if I’ll be awake for it though….LMAO! Life is good in Gator Nation!
Tonight I’m grilling filet mignons, medium rare of course, with baked potatoes and fresh petite butter beans. Brown ‘n serve rolls on the side. It’s dropping down into the 20’s here tonight so my grill time will be pretty chilly-bourbon tumbler chilly I’m sure…. I understand we’ve got temperatures in the 20’s overnight and early mornings for 6-7 days in front of us. Life is good in Gator Nation!
Lots of good things about filet mignon but I always thought that it was too fussy and needed additional fat with a bacon wrap or something like that. Too lean. Rib eye was a fattier cut and better steak as far as I was concerned.
All of my life my #1 choice has always been boneless ribeye. Then I had my open heart surgery and my heart Dr said “You’re going to do what you’re going to do but I am strongly encouraging you to grill filet mignon when you are steak hungry. You will be around with your family a lot longer.” I took Dr Saint at his word.
Tonight is our second night dipping down into the 20’s for our low temperatures. That said Ms. Jan put together a pot of hambone and bean soup with carrots, celery, and onions. Fried cornbread will be on the side. It’s another Knob Creek night for myself and Ms. Jan is sticking with her chilled wine. Life is good in Gator Nation!
My youngest likes Daf Punk and things like that so I bought him a Roxy Music CD for Christmas. He needs to now the roots of the music he likes,
I had to buy a bottle after the folks that were eating at my house over the holidays used my bottle for making eggnog. I had some rum available for that. Why this? But it is family. LOL. Cry.
Tonight it’s gonna be a do-over on the hambone and bean soup. Ms. Jan made this pot the way she always did before the 15 bean soup packets got popular. This pot is made with the hambone, carrots, celery, onions, and great northern beans. Fresh cornbread will be on the side. It’s already 37* and dropping to 27* tonight. Yep, it’s another Knob Creek kinda night. Life is good in Gator Nation!