More stuff seems to be coming out about alcohol being a health risk, and not just over consumption. But given that people have been drinking ever since they discovered the fine art of fermentation, wouldn't it have been causing cancer all along?
Your beloved commies have a better solution to alcohol/cancer: keep their peeps so brutally impoverished that they can't afford alcohol at all. Ppl die of hunger, and other poverty related ills, but not alcohol. That's a luxury. Yay communism!
Funny how almost anything at all can serve as basis for a TDS inspired orgy of Trumpgasms around here. Lol(osers)!
My definition of a loser is someone who cant even laugh at or ignore a not particularly mean joke at the expense of a person they voted for, then has to post about "TDS"
Yeah. Ppl are able to choose in capitalism, bc it generates surpluses. Perhaps that's why freedom favors capitalism. Communism doesn't like ppl being free to choose--bc one taste of that shit turns ppl deadly against that shitty ass system, for life! If you'd ever bothered to subject your own ass to the shit you advocate, we'd see you flip like a coin in a NY minute, for life, agsinst that utterly malevolent stupidity.
That's a great argument you're having with that imaginary friend in your head. Now, show us anywhere on the board, going back decades if you like, where anyone advocated anything you're suggesting here? You can't, so don't bother. And tell "Harvey" we all said "Hi".
My bottle of Havana Club begs to differ too. Granted it was not the USSR, but I bought a bottle of cheap Vodka at the Russian equivalent of a 7-11 once. Something tells me that wasnt a post-soviet capitalist innovation.