Happy New Year Apex and everyone! I agree re: The 'net board. It's been the best, most genuine community for sports talk around these parts for quite some time. Notably, I hope we hear a bit more from @akaGatorhoops and @murphree_hall in the SEC season. They are good Gators.
Agree it is the best and my favorite sports forum on GC. There seems to be a unique combination of knowledge, experience, humor, and esprit de corps on NBN. It certainly escalates the activity and fun when we have a good/great team this year!
MIS = Missing in Space? Yes was also curious what happened to Murph, also hoping we see more posts from he and AKA. Happy New Year everyone! Hope 2025 will be an epic year for all of us, including them Gator Boys
did he get the ban hammer? I see he has been active recently… rating posts. But he has t posted himself in nearly two months!
Glad to hear from ya, murph. Now kindly step up your Nuttin but 'Net game. We're all counting on you.