You could retain some shred of integrity by just admitting you know he is a pathological liar and don't care because you prefer his politics
It is totally obvious where I stand and do not care what you or any other lib on too hot thinks- and you know,that
"Mexico is going to pay for the wall." How many times did you hear that with your own damn ears? "Triggering the libs" appears to now be one of your greatest pleasures in life.
I haven’t made as many posts as you you can’t possibly know my feelings on Biden’s or any other liberals lies. Why don’t you nut up be a man and answer the question without turning it back on someone else?
Biden was so outrageously bad at the job, THE DEMOCRATS pulled him off the ticket and replaced him with one of the worst candidates in history.
Here’s an example, bill: I dislike it when political leaders I support appear to lie. It’s bad leadership. But I see it as the lesser of two evils, considering both sides lie I’d rather vote for the liars that believe in policies I support. Can you try it?
What a sad and misguided view that anyone who calls out the fearless leader becomes a "lib"....I've said for 3 cycles the only really strong candidate I've seen was pub John Kasich. I would have voted for a guy like that over any of the options from either party. But I won't sell my soul and overlook a despicable person....that doesn't make me a lib, it makes me decent
When he ran in 2016 Trump promised to bring back manufacturing to the US. Did he lie or was was his failure to do so an example of his incompetence. While the Orange failed, the "worst president" has apparently been much more successful. The most consequential infrastructure act since the 1956 Interstate Highway Act was passed under the "worst president". The legislation was so bad that even Republicans voted against it took credit for projects funded by the legislation. The Republicans taking credit for federal funding they voted against Another example of an act by the "worst president". Biden signs law allowing CHIPS Act projects to forgo environmental review Ironically the state benefiting the most from legislative agenda of the "worst president" have been responsible for the election of his predecessor and as a result may suffer from the return of Donald Trump to the White House. The South is building the most vibrant EV and battery hub in the US
President-elect Trump ain't wrong: Trump Names Biden 'Worst President' in History After Terror Attack President-elect Donald Trump used social media Thursday to call out President Joe Biden as the “WORST PRESIDENT IN THE HISTORY OF AMERICA, A COMPLETE AND TOTAL DISASTER.” Trump cited several examples of why he believes Biden worse than previous presidents, such as not preventing Wednesday’s terror attack in New Orleans. “With the Biden ‘Open Border’s Policy’ I said, many times during Rallies, and elsewhere, that Radical Islamic Terrorism, and other forms of violent crime, will become so bad in America that it will become hard to even imagine or believe,” Trump posted on Truth Social on Thursday. “That time has come, only worse than ever imagined.” “What he and his group of Election Interfering ‘thugs’ have done to our Country will not soon be forgotten!” he exclaimed.
He just hates libs and what they stand for. That's it. This trashing of the board he's engaged in has been nothing more than a victory dance.
What country to MAGA live in? Because it isn't one where actual numbers and statistics are used! Violent crime, including murder, is dropping in this country, at a significant level. Where are all these "immigrant crimes" being committed? Certainly wasn't New Years in New Orleans. That awful attack was committed by a US born vet.