A man rammed his truck into the crowds and then got out and shot at the crowds and officers.. hitting and injuring two. FBI and police found incendiary devices in the truck and have not ruled out the possibility of more in the area. Reports say 10 dead, 35 injured. Suspect is dead… It was planned, intentional and horrific. It may have been a terrorist attack and may not have been.. still unclear Not much else is being shared at this point. FBI is there and taking over the investigation. Man intentionally slams truck into crowd in New Orleans, killing 10 and injuring dozens
To those who don't know, there is a large New Year's celebration in the quarter at Jackson Brewery and on the river. Then people tend to flow to either Bourbon or Frenchman. This was late enough that the crowd would have thinned, but it is wall-to-wall people earlier in the night. I'm wondering if that was why he chose 3:15, to develop more speed after bypassing the driving barriers. Sugar Bowl is tonight, so Georgia and Notre Dame fans were likely a large chunk of the tourists.
Curious to find out what the basis for "terrorism" is. So far the only basis indicated is that the MO is consistent with terrorism.
The now deceased murderer had an explosive device in his vehicle. This article states, however, the FBI is not considering this to be a terrorist attack. I'd like to know their explanation for that position. He rams into a crowd at a high rate of speed, kills and injures a lot of people, then starts shooting and has a bomb in his car. 10 killed and 30+ injured as truck crashes into New Orleans NYE crowd: Live updates
Theye trying to charge the guy who murdered the CEO with terrorism so I'm pretty sure this would qualify as well
It truly baffles me how much people care about defining events like this as “terrorism” or not “terrorism”, as if it somehow matters. In the end, whether it’s a Palestinian sympathizer or a white incel from Metairie who was mad because he didn’t succeed in life, the motivation is identical, taking out his anger on innocent people. The same number of people are still dead, the same risks of a free society have to be faced. But I guess calling it “terror” gives people a cause or a group to blame, which allows them to direct their anger. It’s much scarier and deflating to think it was their next door neighbor they went to high school with doing this. Either way, horrible tragedy.
Perhaps the black Isis flag on the back of the truck is a clue? Hope these victims aren't college students from ND or Georgia but I suspect there are some.
If it can be established that killing the CEO was intended to affect a change in how health insurance companies deal with claims, perhaps. It the only thing that can be established is that the killer targeted and killed the ceo bc he was pissed, just a crime. Since he was acting alone, terrorism seems a huge stretch. Here, if the guy was just a loon who flipped his lid and wanted to take out a bunch of ppl, just a crime. If part of an org intended to make a statement or procure a result, then = terrorism.
Why so baffling? A crime stops with the criminal. Terrorism continues through org until they get their way, or the org is snuffed out. Hence an ongoing threat. Pretty damn important distinction.
To me, an act of terror is an act carried out to spread widespread terror within a populace as a whole or a targeted group of people within that populace. I wouldn't typically classify someone who just lost their mind and began shooting people at random a terrorist until there arises some evidence that points to such a motive or him/her being instructed/working by/for a foreign entity or a domestic/international terrorist organization.
Yep. That the FBI are investigating it an act of terror is significant (at least to some degree). We shall see what they come up with or if they remove that designation from this in the future.
Been to 20 years of MG. Always worried about this. 15 jazz fests Driver was on Canal Street snd turned on Bourbon. Long past time to blockade streets in FQ during big events. Includes Iberville, Royal and beyond. Block with garbage trucks, dump trucks you name. Bourbon is sketchy from iberville past Pat O’s after 11 3:15 attacks means (guessing now) locals hurt and killed more than visitors/ my guess based on being there probably 200 nights over the years
So an individual can never be a terrorist in your opinion? I don’t see it that way. What do you classify Timothy McVeigh and Ted Kaczynski? I consider them terrorists but wouldn’t consider the recent CEO killer one.
Well. They seemed to be chilling on the corner not expecting trouble. I assume the usual issue is a drunk fight or two.
Interesting theory that has absolutely nothing to do with how either New York or Louisiana defines "terrorism." There is absolutely no statutory requirement of an organization or even more than one actor. Seems as though an attorney would refer to the states' statutory schemes as opposed to just making up definitions. Louisianna's defintion of terrorism: https://codes.findlaw.com/la/revised-statutes/la-rev-stat-tit-14-sect-128-1/ The statute the guy in NY is charged with: Section 490.25 - Crime of terrorism, N.Y. Penal Law § 490.25 | Casetext Search + Citator WINNER. He just invented that.
I don’t use twitter anymore except to post videos here but I did check in to it this AM about the tragedy. So much misinformation blaming ISIS, or blaming a recent border crossing, etc. That platform is unusable.
McVeigh was caught in getaway car, and had a partner--Terry Nichols. *THEY* intended to strike again, with the intent to draw attention to the injustice perpertrsted by the govmt at Waco Texas. So that's not very compelling case. That was pretty classic terrorism. Your point is well taken vis a vis the unabomber, but generally speaking, terrorism is contrasted from crime due to motive (political cause vs selfish interests), and threat beyond the single perpetrator, vs Ltd to single perp. But my original point stands--it's quite relevant, bc if it was merely a crime (self interest), the threat died with the perp, while if it was terrorism, there would likely remain an active threat of similar occurrences.