Agree. If there's anyone who can and will get affordable medicine and health care for people -besides Donald Trump, that is- it's Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Those two guys really care about people. I really hope they can make a difference. But I'm confident that they can!
You’re the one in the wrong here. Typical MAGA that will cut their nose off to spite their face simply to be cruel to someone else.
Well, according to this thread, RFK wants to make Ozempic LESS accessible ... so I wouldn't hold my breath ...
Meh, it’s not that simple. Plus the weight loss drugs have been proven in diabetics to lower the risk of heart attack and stroke. In addition by lowering weight less need for hip and knee replacements. So in the long run everybody is saving money.
I was originally taking it at a $1000 a month, there are similar drugs now that have the cost down to about $300 a month if you have to pay out of pocket.
Sure. Yet the vast majority of people can solve their weight issue with a nutritionist and trainer. Far superior to a drug. Still have to fight the food industry to help them as well!
Most diabetics can be treated with a nutritionist. Granted the food industry makes it tough in the US.
Agree we treat reactively. And this drug likely is beneficial to some. But most of the issues it addresses can be fixed with lifestyle changes and no drugs at all. The food industry is a major problem though.
To be clear, I don't think anything is without risk or trade-offs. Every single doctor I have ever had has emphasized nutrition and exercise — so it’s not an either/or proposition. Also, to be fair, I lost weight and made improvements before ever taking Ozempic. But I am diabetic and have seen much better progress since taking it. My blood sugar is now almost normal. My doctor has recently taken me off the blood sugar pills (metformin), which I took for years. My blood pressure is now normal. I feel like I even crave alcohol less. Most of it is just eating less, but it’s also about regaining better long-term habits.
There does seem to, for some less desire or “taste” for alcohol. Currently they are looking at it for treatment of addictions.
Not for many, women for example, after menopause have hormonal changes which affect metabolism and fat storage. That isn’t always solved with diet, exercise and HRT.
Ozempic, the Covid vax and Remdesivir all hugely bad imo. At the end of the day people will realize that the jab killed millions of people. By 2027 or 2028 even AzCat and VA will get it..
Yeah, I have read some things about potential effects on dopamine, for example. Interestingly, while I think it has likely had a role in reducing my cravings for alcohol, I do not think it has affected my craving for nicotine (although I have shifted from Skoal to nicotine gum and pouches again). I absolutely think there is something to it and not mere placebo.
Both Musk and RFK are correct. Lifestyle changes along with GLP-1's could end the obesity epidemic. The drugs will help get the weight off but if you don't make changes it will come right back. There are products in the pipeline that will make semaglutide obsolete. Our food system is crap and so is the education system when it comes to nutrition/exercise. It is a doom spiral for ongoing generations. Removing formal physical education from K-12 was/is a huge loss. We are literally becoming the movie Wall-E. My biggest hope is that the grip Big Pharma has on compounding drugs and on peptides will be reduced allowing for more options. It won't happen but Congress could easily pass a law that says drugs prices in the US cannot be higher than the rest of the world. As an example Ozempic in the EU is under 350.00 a month in most countries. Which is easily offset with the reduction in your monthly grocery bill.
You'd be grossly mistaken Bill. Big Pharma (and their bed buddy Health insurance industry--who finances pharmaceutical addiction habits) want as many ppl possible taking as many prescription pills as possible... That's what makes RFK such a lightening rod.
GLP-1 shouldn’t only be covered by insurance if you’re A1C is high AND you can demonstrate that you have tried to lower it with proper diet and exercise but have been unsuccessful