Mr Homan is not going to mess around on this issue. He has a plan and is going to work his plan. Trump border czar considering military bases to aid deportations: ‘Certainly on the table’
You guys are like cute little puppies when you're still in the fresh new "he's gonna do all these awesome things!" stage. (Never mind that you really saw how much he's gonna even try to do, much less accomplish, four years ago, and anyone who believes that fraud will get a damn thing done needs to evaluate their own head.) It's only later, after all the failure, that you turn into petulant adolescents when you have to ramp up the dishonesty to cover for his incompetence and failure. But serious question; if Donny actually takes time off from stealing to deport over 12 million people, including appx 8-9 million with jobs......who's gonna fill those jobs? And why do Trumpies always just run away when that question is posed? They just happy that everyone's dogs will no longer be eaten?
How do we replace the millions of laborers and avoid the estimated $1 trillion in business losses? And why should we spend $350 billion to cause these losses? I've been asking these questions to justify these expenditures and losses, and the response so far is nothing but crickets. Does Trump even have a concept of a plan?
There's not a MAGA around who will answer that. We've got to look at this as a "half-full glass" instead; at least all the dogs and cats won't continue to be eaten.
They are here illegally and have to go, period. a lot of liberal sites are saying it will cause a loss of crops and cause price increases but y’all do not really know if that will happen anymore than I know it won’t . You libs spout it because you hate Trump and want him to fail. I despised PrezBO, but I never cheered for him to fail. If it makes you feel better about yourselves, have at it.
So no ideas on how to fill the 8-9 million jobs that would have no occupant if all illegal immigrants are deported?
My 1st question would be are there really 8-9 million illegals working and if so why were companies allowed to get away with illegally hiring them. I follow the rules when I owned my 4 Firehouse Subs and I still follow them in the company I have now. The fine for knowingly hiring illegal aliens is $500 per instance and possible jail time.
Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Remember the Jackson, MS chicken plant raids during Trump's first term. This paper shows the results, five years later. Higher prices and business losses that would devastate the local economy. It's high school level economics. What happens when half the persons picking crops stop working? Supply shortages which lead to higher prices. And losses for farms who can't profit from dead crops never picked. As to why we have so many undocumented workers? Because we've always had millions of immigrants doing these jobs. Last time they were legal was during the Bracero Program. Millions were also legalized during Reagan's amnesty plan. We should learn from this and enact another guest worker program to legalize the labor.
Christ, man, don't you even bother to learn anything about these issues? It would take you 30 seconds to query Google. No wonder you have no idea what would happen to the US economy if all undocumented persons were deported. Or that you also fail to recognize that Trump did almost nothing more than anyone else on this issue.
Why do we NEED to spend $350 billion to cause GDP losses of $1 trillion? Just because you said so? Justify it, please! Who benefits when we all lose by paying higher prices, going deeper in debt, and losing business?
Are there any illegals in this country that you feel should be deported immediately? If so. Start with those.
Now that you've become informed that approximately 8-9 million undocumented persons are employed in the US, and that totals appx 5-6% of our workforce.....given that we have an unemployment rate of about 4%.... ......did you ever come up with any thoughts about how those millions of jobs would be filled? Do we just leave them unfilled and let the economic effects happen as they will?
LOL. Which numbers? Are you just guessing, cuz like you're usually pretty good with numbers, and you trust your gut? Or do you actually know any facts about this issue, and can point out where I'm wrong? Please supply your data, since I've obviously provided credible sources for mine. Thanks so much in advance.