Yes, the great Libertarian mind of Scott Horton, who hard coddles the Ron Paul nutsack paid for by Russia. You can't make this shit up apparently, unless you are Scott Horton, the anti-war Libertarian. "Libertarians are like house cats: absolutely convinced of their fierce independence while utterly dependent on a system they don't appreciate or understand."
If Russia's young men had been enlisting in the military at the rate of 1,000 a day, they would have either won the war or run out of bullets by now. It is probably closer to 1,000 a month or 1,000 per year of voluntary enlistment. And most of those people are desperately poor and need the signing bonus badly enough to risk their lives. It's the forced conscription that scares Russians. Most know that they cannot get drunk enough to volunteer to fight in Ukraine. I noticed that you were not clever enough to come up with a link to support your bald-faced lie about 1,000 people enlisting per day. You need to somehow get the word to ordinary liars in the Kremlin to make up some propaganda to support your creative imagination of what's going on in Russia. The populace, whether stupid or not, has repeatedly delivered the same message to Putin: they would mostly rather escape the country than enlist in the military. Edit: you may be confusing "enlisting in the army" with "becoming a casualty" in the Ukraine War. Because close to 1,000 Russians a day ARE becoming casualties in Ukraine in recent months. That's pretty well documented. You may need to have your medication adjusted if you can't keep those two concepts separated in your head.
You can just read the Caitlyn Johnstone nonsense "articles" if you want the propaganda on how the West allegedly provoked Russia into attacking Ukraine. Lee Harvey linked her propaganda about 1200 pages ago.
Two tankers n a storm and another transport broken down at sea is all I was aware of. This was news to me. Wonder what the real cargo was.. Are there others
I think the ultimate assessment of this video, that "Russia's back has been broken," is way too optimistic. But the supporting arguments -- the collapse of the ruble, unsustainable casualties with negligible payoff, the West contemptuously ignoring Russian nuclear threats, and Russian loss of influence in Georgia -- are all sound. And the author does not even touch on events in Syria and Chechnya. Russias Back Finally Breaks - Worst Week Ever
Yeah, I don't have any inside information on this. I just think it's quite a coincidence that Russia starts using its commercial fleet for asymmetric warfare, and the next thing you know its merchant ships start having catastrophic issues.
I fully expect Trump to end the war with Russia retaining most of the territory it captured in 2014 and as the result of its invasion of Ukraine in 2022. The question is will Trump be an Eisenhower or a Neville Chamberlain? When Eisenhower ended the Korean War he guaranteed the freedom and independence of South Korea. While I do not expect nor would I want to see American or NATO troops permanently stationed in Ukraine as we have in South Korea we and our NATO allies should provide Ukraine with sufficient arms to deter anther invasion by Russia. Chamberlain negotiated a peace agreement under which Hitler was allowed to retain control of the Sudetenland and did nothing to deter further aggression by the Nazis. While hoping for the former I suspect that the result will be the latter with Putin again invading Ukraine a few years down the road. I guess the war could be considered senseless if one believes that Ukraine should have submitted to Russia and in effect conceded that the country should be a province of Mother Russia as it was under the Czars or the Soviet Union as envisioned by Vladimir Putin rather than retain its status as an independent country.
^ Yeah, Trump will do Vlad's bidding by trying to guarantee Russia a large chunk of Ukrainian territory. Putin didn't help install Trump (twice) for anything different. It will be interesting to see Europe's reaction to that. We know that MAGA "Americans" will go along with whatever Trump says - they're already OK with an attack on our own government.
The debate on whether it's attainable aside, a successful negotiation to resolve a completely unprovoked invasion would be the invader retreating to original borders. Reparations would be justified as well.
Do you think they were organized enough to wipe the electronics before they were seized? Russian spy ship dropped sensors in British waters and crew threatened - World News - News - Daily Express US The Russia-linked tanker which damaged an undersea electricity cable on Christmas Day also dropped sensors in the English Channel, sources have said. Finnish Special Forces seized the spy ship Eagle S, which operates under 'dark fleet', after it dragged its anchor to disrupt electricity supplies between Nato allies Finland and neighbouring Estonia. It is the first time that a commercial ship suspected of sabotage has been taken into custody by authorities, in another huge blow to Vladimir Putin. Sources have told maritime publication Lloyd's List that the vessel - part of a shadow fleet used to bypass sanctions against Russia - was bristling with surveillance equipment along with laptops which would not normally be found on an oil tanker.
I do not happen to agree with your assessment or that you think a SCOTUS Judge could be bought. Gonna be a long 4 years for you.
@G8trGr8t was referring to District Court Judge Aileen Cannon, not a SCOTUS justice. She was either all in to help Trump or grossly incompetent...pick one. It's "gonna be a long 4 years" for America.
It's also gonna be a long four years for this board with so much thread-cluttering, off-topic spam coming from.....those in charge.
Well, much as I would love to see that, what you’ve described is not so much as a negotiated peace as it is an imposed settled on, or if you like, a conditional surrender by Russia. If you think anything south of those terms is failure and/or treason by Trump, then I’d call that an unfair expectation. I also don’t think Biden/Harris/Sullivan would be in a position to reach those terms anytime soon, either. With continued fighting for another year or more, I could see a very remote chance of Ukraine restoring its 2014 borders, but that would require a political collapse in Russia (which no one really wants, frankly, for different reasons) and/or a general military mutiny by Russia in the field (I’m strangely comfortable with that). I see no realistic chances of reparations in any case. One way or another, the West is going to pay to rebuild Ukraine. So, I’ll ask again, what does a successful negotiated peace look like in early 2024? Just to keep things unemotional, imagine it was Biden leading these prospective negotiations instead of Trump. What is the bare minimum result that you would call a win? Just as a frame of reference, Russia’s going-in position is that Kursk gets returned, they keep all of the land they’ve taken, Ukraine cedes the rest of the annexed oblasts (Kherson and Kharkiv), Ukraine gets no security guarantees, and Ukraine has to disarm. Let’s call that complete failure.
To be honest, and irrespective of which recent or soon-to-be US POTUS were negotiating; I don't think any agreement ceding any land whatsoever to Russia would be acceptable. Clearly, there could reach a point where doing such would be necessary to prevent a total, or near-total, military defeat. But I don't think we're anywhere near such a point. JMO. Also, I'd be curious to hear why you believe such a thing would an "imposed settlement or conditional surrender" by Russia. Respectfully, I don't see how a return to 2022 borders would be such a thing.