An excellent analysis by @Mr_Global_OilExpert on how the 2 year deal for an April 2020 oil production cut by Donald Trump led to inflation in the Biden term.
"they were going to do this regardless of whether Covid hit or not"--me (i.e.--"Mr. Global Oil Expert (b/c I declared myself so))" Troof: The other members of OPEC+, led by Saudi Arabia and Russia, earlier in the day agreed to cuts that would take 10 million barrels per day offline as the coronavirus pandemic saps demand for crude. OPEC and allies agree to historic 10 million barrel per day production cut
Dude, I've been at GatorCountry since the 90s - under different names at different times. I can participate and own your weak posts as much as I like!
No one said you couldn't participate--(here's yor trophy! )... ...but it does beg the question...what are you hiding that you must conceal your former ID?
LOL! Yeah, bc that would make a lick of difference as to whether it was prompted by Covid (truth), vs "planned regardless of Covid" (your dude's baseless mickey mouse claim.)
Maybe if you dig hard enough you will uncover my true identity... Hint: I left my old laptops at a computer repair shop. IF you can find them, maybe Rudy Giuliani can take them in front of the Four Seasons Total Landscaping and reveal what you found!
Nah. I'll take you as a sophomore newbie chump like your newbie handle says, let you prove yourself otherwise.
Dude, you really are weak. You are all over my posts because I've owned you so badly that you can't help yourself! I gave you attention and validated your weakness, now I have to watch you post behind everything I do. So I just keep creating shit just for fun! Keep it up! Maybe you'll make the Double Special GatorCountry Hall of Fame!
Lol! You *owned* who? When? How??? ...and lol @ the childish notion of *owning* someone on a message board. Bye loser
Funny the 5 Trillion pumped into the the economy, the nearly free money to borrow and massive QE did zero to cause any inflation. It was all from cutting global oil production. Gotcha.
Yes, because oil doesn't make gasoline or bunker fuel that supplies the world's supply chains and when you make it scarce (more expensive), everything goes up in price! Thanks for reminding me!
2020 the global price of oil cratered. Even the most ardent leftists here agree supply needed to be reduced and would have been regardless of Trump by OpEC. Our oil producers need oil at about $50/bbl to break even. If that doesn’t happen many go under. As the world reopened demand surged and the price went up. Russia invading Ukraine caused a giant spike as well. Your effort to blame Trump for the inflation under Biden based on Oil production cuts is a fail.
Yeah the OP explanation is highly simplistic. Oil demand dropped, so OPEC dropping production to support prices is not an unusual thing, whether or not Trump signed some deal. The other side of this is fracking pre 2020 was a bonanza of output leading to billions of losses for drillers. Ultimately the market adjusted, the number of drillers consolidated and supply was regulated to match demand at a more favorable price It is quite possible that the oil agreement Trump pushed in retrospect was a bad deal and perhaps exacerbated inflation, and certainly helped line SA pockets, but I’d say at best it was a modest contributing factor given all that was going on.
It isn't my effort, it is the analysis of an oil & gas expert whose video I posted. Runaway gas prices started after Trump made this 2 year deal, at the expiry of which gas prices and inflation started to fall. Biden recovered from the disastrous Trump administration and left him an excellent economy. Mark my words: In 4 years he will have it screwed up again.
In economics, the system never can never take additions (Covid checks) without producing negatives (higher inflation). Thanks, Trump!
Oh Boy. Oil and Gas Expert…He’s about like the Flat Earther “experts”. Russia invading Ukraine has Zero to do with the big jump in Oil prices? I guess you would have been happy to have many of our Domestic Oil producers go bankrupt so we didn’t have the ability to produce that evil fossil fuel. The economic recovery was going to happen regardless of who was President. Worldwide economies prompted money like mad, Gov spending shot through the roof, Central banks went to near zero on their rates. All of these things by themselves increase economic activity and inflation. Supply chain disruptions on top of it all. The world reopened and people were flush with cash and cheap borrowing costs but it was all due to Trump getting OPEC to cut production. What a simplistic and wrong view.