Why not sell SRO TICKETS and let them occupy any vacant seat, subject to late arrival and/or let fans move to the better seats once the game starts. Probably be a good idea to have an usher available if a late arrival finds their seat occupied. Sure would like to see every seat in camera range occupied.
My experience is that it doesn’t take a whole lot of effort to sell tickets via Venmo. Gator softball fans will purchase them in a heartbeat. All that is needed is to communicate via Gator Softball FB, Gator Softball instagram, Gator Country threads and forums. I usually sold them within an hour or two or less. Of course, sometimes it takes a few minutes to educate your customers about how to purchase via Venmo. I never failed. I had to teach myself as well.
If you sell them at reasonable prices, they go fast. Lots of tickets are at quadruple face value +, even for smaller games.
True, I am not interested in profiting. I sell at the same price that ticket office sells them at for conference and non conference games. I broke even for the season. My seats were always filled for every game. I even had people who bought my tickets come up later in the year and thanked me for the opportunities to sit in my seats. I originally bought my season tickets with this in mind. I went to a game in 2022 and was appalled that the Tennessee game was a sellout and half seats were empty. So I set on a mission to accomplish my goal and I did it.
Some season ticket holders revert to Ticketmaster to sell their tickets. Ticketmaster is in it for big profit. There in lies the problem for higher prices.
I have nothing worthwhile to say except the Gators open in 42 days against Illinois St. If you are going to go get there on time for this contest will end in the 5th.
Actually, we open with North Florida on February 6th at KSP. But you’re right, it should end in the 5th.
I wonder why we were unable to schedule FSU at KSP this year. Maybe CTW can squeeze them in during the last two weeks of the season.
More useless information. Gators are 16 & 0 against North Florida. UF has outscored them 121-7 and shut them out 10 times. Why even bother?
We schedule them at a minimum for a season warm up and get some game legs started and get arms warmed up and for finding the strike zone in live play. It’s always better than practice or intra squad games.
Okay, I will start today with Katelynn (Red) at 39. I will need research for 38, 37, 36, 35, and 34. Korbe is 33 and Kenleigh is 31.