Because that would double-stress the economy, but probably more importantly, you would be penalizing taxpayers who didn't ask their government to overspend its receivables in the first place.
another part of the problem is we have almost 50% of the tax paying population paying less than 4% of all income taxes - I think for any tax increase to work EVERYONE HAS TO PAY TAXES- go to a flat tax of 15%, no deductions and everyone pays Summary of the Latest Federal Income Tax Data, 2025 Update.
More talking points that make zero sense. Almost all those who don’t pay are retired, students, or poor. But good idea. You retired folks should be paying out your ass for what you left behind.
IOW, tax the poor more, so that Trump and people like him can get tax cuts. Hilarious how most MAGA voters have been conned to vote against their own well-being.
JO-did you even look at the chart as to who is actually paying the most taxes the top 10% of ALL wage earners pays 48% of all the income taxes Everyone needs to contribute- EVERYONE
We know exactly what you mean; tax the poor more, so that Trump and people like him can get tax cuts.
you do realize to be part of the top 10% of wage earners you only have to make just under $170K a year
Sure. "Only" is doing a lot of work there, given that the average American family makes half of that. But you didn't answer the question. What percentage of the wealth in this country is held by the Top 10% and what percentage is held by the bottom 50%?
You're saying that raising taxes would penalize taxpayers and I'm saying that cutting spending would also penalize taxpayers. You're just choosing one negative over the other because for a certain group tax cuts are always viewed as a good thing
Revenues tend to go up from year to year unless there is a recession. But they go up a lot more when there are tax increases than when there are tax cuts.
About 32% of Americans make less than $15/hr, meaning that they are affected by their state or the nation's minimum wage. (Even if someone is making slightly more than minimum wage, an increase in minimum wage means that they will likely receive at least some increase in salary.) The national minimum wage has not been increased since 2007. Inflation has not been zero since 2007. Had minimum wage been adjusted for inflation, these people would be making over $10/hr right now. Basically, Congress' refusal to raise minimum wage has been a 25-30% pay cut for the working poor over the last 17 years. You want the working poor to pay 15% income taxes after they received that kind of pay cut? They can't afford food and rent as it is.