You know better. It's about cost savings, period. And blind loyalty (deportation if you don't bend the knees for the company).
No dude, dumber. I know, I know, the FSB propaganda can be a bit tricky, but that was the point he was making. The hilarious part is how he circles it back to Russia is smarter than Ukraine. Okay dude, if you say so.
Go read Thomas Sowell. The North South IQ split is far more about where those various people came from. I.E. Puritans from SE England, or "rednecks" (what they were referred to back in England) from the North and Wales. The Puritans placed high value on work ethic (Protestant Work Ethic) and education (they or their ancestors would found Harvard) while the Welsh and Northerners tended to be more backwater, ignorant and violent. What you're speaking of is related almost exclusively to prevalence of disease in more southern climates.
Blood oaths?, Ashkenazi Jews?, Super high IQ Brahmin caste people?? Russians smarter than Ukrainians??? (who actually ARE the par excellence scientists/technical specialists/engineers of the ex-Soviet Union) 3rd political parties???, superbrains???, Musk reforming anything?!?! I find it fascinating that people who talk such jingoistic eugenics like "which race is bringing down the IQ in America" are EXACTLY the people bringing down the IQ in America. It's like generations of inbreeding in them hollars in Appalachia is bringing us to some mythical epitome of American cultural greatness where enlightened MAGA mankind has evolved to: 1) drink the most Natural Light while: 2) listening to pop-country in their double-wide as they: 3) determine the best method to score highest Boone and Crockett on their next buck (corn pile assassins they are) as: 4) they actually cook meth and try to tell themselves: 5) to leave their younger sister alone, so they focus instead on: 6) becoming bitcoin billionaires, while dreaming that: 7) a 37 time convicted felon and a: 8) South African nepo-baby named "Elon" is leading them to: 9) the promised land, which looks a lot like: 10) Russia in the winter, but is really: 11) a Supermax. As you seem to be phoning it in from Cloud Cuckoo Land, the favorite theme park of the former Führer, I would encourage you to turn and look to see if the Austrian Corporal is indeed sitting next to you on the "Its a Nazi World" ride right now. If so, tell him that Elon Musk is a dope for me, but that he is still the biggest dope who edged Stalin by a nose when he finished himself in a bunker like we all know Putin will. Also: Let him know that Real American Patriots still knock the teeth out of fascists whenever they show their knuckle-dragging faces outside their double-wide or bunker! MAGA - that's you, btw... Also: Get off the internet before you sprain your brain. It was meant to communicate ideas with merit, not the crap that just fell out of your head.
I use garbage men as an example. They are highly paid not because it’s a hard job but because there is a social stigma against it. In my town the guys make close to a 100k a year. Some costs would of course go up but labor is usually such a small part of what we pay. I think stopping rewarding criminal behavior with higher profits is something worth trying.
You are exactly right, but except the perception by MAGA is the opposite. They see immigrant Ag workers a low life scum that should not be allowed the breath the same air as real Americans ... when the fact is, they are more important to the country than underpaid programmers.
If true, that just proves that Trump is an incredibly dumb sucker who can be easily played by anyone willing to throw compliments his way… right?
Loomer already said that the divorce will be soon so I expect the amount of conspiracy theories to increase
Rather than being owned by the CCP Elon has a mutually beneficial relationship with the Party considering that the largest Tesla factory in the world is located in Shanghai soon to be joined by the largest factory in the world producing batteries for electric vehicles. Tesla Gigafactory Shanghai Tesla is building a huge battery factory in Shanghai even as trade tensions rise
Given the fact that a Chinese EV competitor builds Tesla's batteries I'd say that yes he is owned by them
Might be the case now but very soon Elon/Tesla will own the largest EV battery plant (currently under construction) in China.
It will be the case then as well. Tesla will be using the technology of their biggest competitor with this new factory
If it's such a great idea maybe we need a Constitutional Amendment providing for a co-presidency along with elimination of the requirement that the president (or presidents) be natural born US citizens.
Bring on the weak sauce! 10 Trillion Dollars?? You have a source for that mental assertion? Of course not, because it is made up. As far as inflation, that started on Trump's watch in April 2020 when he decided that OPEC, Saudi and Russia needed to cut production of oil, which caused oil prices to rise, everything to become more expensive, and every producer or seller of commodities to raise their prices, whether warranted or not, because he couldn't manage the coronavirus pandemic.
I'm not even sure they are Co-Presidents anymore ... the current CNN headline is "Trump backs Musk" WRT his call for more immigrant workers ... LOL ... Trump is a cuck who doesn't even realize it's supposed to work the other way ...