Well what do you know, it appears that the dems are the true insurrectionists https://www.theblaze.com/news/obama...erm=ACTIVE LIST - 7 Day Engagement&tpcc=email
Please research the definition of "insurrection." While I am not endorsing this plan of action, it is based solely on the constitution, grounded in legal principles, devoid of violence and has a basis in both law and fact. It about as much an insurrection as one of your employees suing you in court over a wage dispute.
Get back to us when a bunch of Harris supporters sack the Capitol, assault Leo, and try to hunt down politicians they don't like.
Far and away the most egregious attempt at overthrowing the election was the fake electors. To this day I don't understand why that wasn't the biggest story and is never really brought up
OP, like all Trump voters, voted for an un-American, traitorous criminal. He knows this, regardless of whether he ever admits it. This thread is just another of many failed attempts by Trump voters to equate the vileness and criminality of their political hero to, well, anyone else. To drag others into the amoral gutter they've chosen. Sorry, but your comparison is false, and we won't be joining you. The gutter is all yours.
Wow, the "liberal" media must really be slipping if Bill has to go to The Blaze for his daily dose of outrage.
More nonsense from the master of confession by projection. He/she is running away to avoid cognitive dissonance
The idea of nullifying the election is ridiculous, of course. As is the claim that "the dems are the true insurrectionists" because someone none of us every heard of said something. Bill, do you consider that an attempt at honest conversation?
I think Bill spends a good bit of his time looking for articles unfavorable for Democrats. Thus, it's impossible to take him seriously because he lacks an open mind and balance. Yes, Democrats are far from perfect. But, Bill, why not post articles highlighting Republican imperfections?
When Trumpsters contest an election it's an insurrection. When Democrats do it they're protecting our democracy.
In as much as the claims of many liberals, including many in the legacy media, proclaimed over the last four years that Trump and a number of conservatives were/are insurrectionists? Seems you never really questioned the “honesty” of those conversations. Why question this discussion, now?
Do you see any difference between: 2020 - the losing candidate and many Republican officials contesting the election, a couple thousand people storm the Capitol attempting to overturn the election, dozens of lawsuits filed ... and 2024 - some investment banker in Chicago who you never heard of it saying it should be nullified .. What do you think? Same thing?
77,297,721 people voted for Trump. You’re going to have to shout a little louder if want them to hear.
Jamie Raskin is ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee. Over 850,000 followers on X. If the Democrats think J6 was bad with all of those unarmed people without a plan walking around, wait until they try to execute the Raskin plan (they won't imo).
“Fact Check: Quote on refusing to certify a Trump election win misattributed to Rep. Jamie Raskin” https://www.reuters.com/fact-check/...in-misattributed-rep-jamie-raskin-2024-11-06/
The Trump voters wanted the election audited because they suspected the election was stolen. I don't think the Chicago investment banker (an Obama pal?) and Jamie Raskin think the election was stolen from Kamala. So not exactly the same thing. My guess would be that at least one of these 2 is a "red diaper doper baby." Edit: Dave Shulte, the Chicago investment banker referred to by river gatorcountry, seems pretty moderate as Democrats go. Friend of Hillary and Bill but backed Obama beginning in 2004. Jamie Raskin's father Marcus Raskin has been described as a pro-Soviet gov't employee wh9 worked for JFK's national security advisor McGeorge Bundy. So Jamie is an (authoritarian) red diaper doper baby. Marcus Raskin co-founded the Institute for Policy Studies, Washington's oldest left-wing think tank, which "Has long supported Communist and anti-American causes around the world." Discover the Networks Jamie Raskin Discover the Networks
Since Trump followers brought it up: This. This is what a threat to democracy looks like. This is a reaction to trumps encouragement.
Would you call stealing an election an insurrection? The problem is people that went to sleep and never saw it happen LIVE ON TV... Edited: There are some people here that are most definitely not right with reality... they are nihilists, deniers of FACTS.