It's an open pay-to-play system. Sad part is people acknowledge this - and that it's the biggest problem with the political system - then just blow it off to argue over some inconsequential social issues. It's a truly pathetic state of affairs.
Excellent, you came back to (pretend to) defend your lie! And you even bolstered your non-defense with a little name-calling. Sweet. But votes were tallied by states. Then added up. If these states are somehow wrong, as you assert....shouldn't you be able to cite how and where? But you can't. Which means you are just lying. What's more, your lies echo part of a criminal conspiracy by a traitor and felon. In any event though it's simple: substantiate your lies or be known as a liar. (And sorry, calling someone naive isn't sufficient. )
The solution - in lieu of and maybe even superior to regulation - is a media that isn't a bunch of rife cowards and aggressively covers it the way we do, say, college football. Not just "how much did Senator _______ raise this month", but from who and how much. And how much does he get from them (and others) historically, and in the current election cycle? Further, let's do a deep analysis on how Senator ________ votes with respect to his doners and with respect to the size (historically) of the donations. Gee. That would give us about 90% of who that person is as a politician and yet. . . :crickets: Utterly gutless. Whine about Citizens United on air, yet ignore their responsibility to the public and behave like utter cowards where it matters.
Although he was referring to Clinton's 1992 presidential campaign James Carville summed up the reason that the Democrats lost in November in one sentence (changing the tense) "it was the economy, stupid". The swing voters responsible for the election of Trump and down ballot Republicans compared prices in 2020 with prices in 2024, blamed the inflation on Biden and were conned into believing that Trump would lower prices.
I love the "blamed" part. You just can't stop being partisan. Too funny. And it's quite funny the people making fun of Musk buying Twitter and supposedly "losing money" on the deal well. It seems Musk was a lot smarter than pretty much every critic on here since him buying Twitter definitely played a role in trump winning while also increasing Musk's net worth by a large margin.
At the end of every page of the Guardian, they ask for money to hinder the DJT policies. It's probably the most left rag in the game. Musk has kicked out the alphabet gang from controlling what is said on his platform. Twitter is no longer controlled by the government. Big win for Americans and the world. Big loss for flaming leftists across the globe.
“After a sustained outcry, their accounts were eventually restored”. Then in the linked story it shows that the accounts were restored hours later.
TBF, we do indeed need someone cognitively alive to be POTUS and Musk is likely to be so laser-focused on his own interests that he won’t get around to completing ruining the country. It’ll take a lot of time and effort to set Tesla and SpaceX up as competition/regulation free. It’s a near certainty R’s will blow the 2026 midterms so back to divided government. I obviously didn’t (de facto) vote for Musk for all the obvious reasons, but better than a lucid Trump or even the whateverthatis JD Vance types.
Money is part of politics. What is just as troubling is the political money spent on journalism to buy influence. The people who spend big money to buy journalistic influence are raging at the election results and Musk has become journalistic enemy #2 behind Trump. To what end? So they can trot back out the same horrid platform the American public rejected in the 2024 elections. Who has a global media empire? George Soros. George Soros: Media Mogul How George Soros co-opts the media and keeps criticism down
They ask for money so that they can continue providing all of their content at no cost to readers. Along a number of online publications including the online versions of the Wall Street Journal, NY Times and Washington Post they do not place any of their content behind a paywall.
Your criticisms are interesting since you’re rewriting history to sell a narrative. It’s well documented that not even Musk wanted to buy Twitter. It has a reactionary decision that he regretted and tried to back out of. The only reason he carried through with it is because Twitter sued him to hold him to the purchase.