I would be surprised if more than 1% of illegal drugs currently coming into the U.S. are being brought in by people crossing the southern border on foot.
...= Ukraines borders > ours.... = why your loser party took a boot up the ass, and will be riding pine for the foreseeable future.
As a republican, I agree my loser party took a boot up the ass when it elected an idiot President. I would also say that all Americans are about to take a boot up the ass for the next four years of tariffs, tax breaks for billionaires, stock market "corrections", inflation, and Quixotic spending on "walls". Hopefully, we can avoid WWIII without giving up freedom and democracy worldwide, and our allies worldwide can forgive our foolishness after Trump leaves office for the second time. Maybe Trump can be sentenced for his felonies once he leaves the White House in 2029.
5 “lies” 1. They Pretended Legal and Illegal Immigration Are the Same Meh. This is just word play. Substantively who really cares. 2. They Said Illegal Aliens Commit Fewer Crimes Than Americans The methodology of studies claiming this is suspect, but we know some illegal aliens do commit additional crimes, every one of which is preventable if laws are enforced. By this logic, we should encourage abortion - more babies, more people, more crime. In fact it has been plausibly argued that the increase in legal abortion after Roe V Wade was a primary factor in decline in crime post 1990s. That aside using absolute numbers vs rates is just childish. The rate is the same or lower, proportionately crime is not increasing on existing residents. The absolute increase would be against the immigrants. The argument is to reduce crimes by getting rid of the victims. 3. They Told You That All Immigrants Boost the Economy Which ones? Those under 30 with doctorates in rocket science do. But those without a high school degree, skills, or English don’t. Almost 60% of families headed by an illegal immigrant are on a federal welfare program This is dumb on multiple levels. By definition if the immigrants are doing anything they are boosting the economy- working, buying, selling etc. To say they aren’t boosting the economy is wrong. The fact that 60% receive some sort of welfare has nothing to do with whether they boost the economy. Both can be true. Also, the number is 40% for US born households, so the 60% is less dramatic. https://cis.org/Report/Welfare-Use-Immigrants-and-USBorn Illegal aliens are less educated than U.S. citizens. Over their lifetimes, most of those let in under Biden’s border boom will be a fiscal burden to the country, not a benefit. Trump supporters are less educated than Biden voters. Does that mean they are a bigger fiscal burden? 4. They Told You Illegal Immigrants Cost Nothing Who said this? Nobody as far as I can tell. There is always a cost. These is also a benefit. I will agree the process has been broken and needs to be fixed. We should have a lot of immigration, and it should be people we choose to let in, using logical criteria, and they should be legal. However for all of the issues of the process I suspect due to demographics the net positive of recent immigration will outweigh the negative. Most of the industrialized world is struggling with demographic population declines - except for us, largely due to immigration.