Of all the crap joey has done in his 4 years in the WH, to me how he screwed us by opening the border wide open is his most egregious act. Here’s How Trump Can Fix Biden’s Broken Border
It would have been so awesome if the author had written this article 8 years ago instead of now. Then Trump could have fixed the border his first term! I'm really sure he'll fix it now though.
Perhaps the felon will wait to do anything until there's significant bipartisan legislation addressing the border and then try to sabatoge the whole thing like the government funding resolution. LOL
Republicans should be happy that Biden didn't fix the border, and instead waited until his 4th year in office to rally legislation that he could blame Trump for torpedoing. It's one of the 2 things that got Trump elected (the other being the administration's unwillingness to admit that the cumulative effect of inflation was painful, choosing to celebrate that "it's only 2.5% now" instead). Both were major political miscalculations.
I HATE liars! Thank God Trump has a plan to build a magnificent border wall, the most amazing and beautiful wall the world has ever seen. And do you know what the best part is, Billy? Mexico is going to pay for it, it won't cost the US taxpayers a DIME. Brilliant!
Sure--we're glad Trump won bc Doh! Biden sucked so bad, we're just not glad that he sucked so bad with OUR country. He added another 10 TRILLION DOLLARS to the national debt. Please tell me what in the @$%& we #$$%& got, for those 10 TRILLION @#$%^&n DOLLARS. A new space program? Another state? Win another existential cold war? Any war??? Defeat (or duck from) a pandemic? Brand new infrastructure? I still remember yall pitching an epic hissy fit over 1.5 trillions on Iraq, over like 12 years. Here we've pissed through 10 Trillion, for....what?!?!?
It is funny that your own cognitive dissonance forces you to apply deficits passed under Trump to Biden. Deficit by President: Trump: $6.7 Trillion Biden: $4.7 trillion U.S. Debt by President: Dollar and Percentage And, yes, Biden's deficit was heavily the infrastructure bill as well as obligations passed on to him from his predecessors. Trump's was primarily tax cuts, stimulus payments, and increased military spending, as well as obligations passed onto him from his predecessors.
Trump added almost 10 trillion dollars to the national debt and that was before the pandemic. For some reason there were nothing but crickets from you during that time
Nice deflection. I’m not sure why you’re ranting at me about fiscal responsibility when republicans have been demonstrably worse on budgets the past 65 years (and that’s saying a lot). But you do you. C’est la vie.
Seems you're the one deflecting. What did we get for 10 TRILLION DOLLARS (that's like > 3 Iraqs) of new debt? Please, by all means, point it out for me, bc i see didly squat. Just the 10 TRILLION in new debt. Where the hell did that money go, to whom, and for what in the @#$%^&???
You’re a piece of work. I made a comment about the border in a thread about the border and I’m deflecting? Give it a rest already. If you want to start a thread about the deficit, feel free. There’s certainly plenty to discuss and complain about.
You said pubs should be happy bc of Doh! Biden screwed up the border. I added context to our supposed reason to be happy. We paid a F@#"& load for him to.... @#$%& up the border. That's what we paid 10 TRILLION DOLLARS for???
It’s truly sad the border mess is something with which Americans and the new administration must concern themselves. It’s abhorrent what the Biden administration facilitated over the last four years. If there was ever a question as to the pathetic incorrigibility of democrats and progressivism …… the border failures of the Biden administration stand as irrefutable evidence of such.
The border is a mess. It’s been a mess for a while but the Biden admin burying their head in the sand and claiming over and over that their was no border crisis, the border is secure, there is no issue at the border.. only to change their tune when it was obvious their previous stance would hurt Bidens re election… is inexcusable. Biden admin did absolutely nothing to mitigate the border issues. AOC went to a fence for a photo op. Kamala went to a desolate building.. for a photo op. Myorkas refused to answer any questions, refused to take any actions and the whole dem conglomerate chastised and vilified border patrol for doing their jobs.( Remember “ they are using whips!”, only to be changed to @ they are whipping them with their reins” … none of which was true). So the last four years nothing has been done to increase border security. Nothing has been done to establish rule of law on the border. No one expects a complete fix. No one expects illegals to magically stop coming.. but the very least we can expect of our elected leaders is to work towards fixing the problem. Not hiding from it in a basement like Biden did for CoVid and then the next four years as others (who really knows who) ran the country.
Biden merely continued the spending that Trump started on the Covid vaccine, although he was unable to come up with any helpful suggestions about injecting yourself with bleach, or taking horse pills or fish tank cleaning chemicals. Apparently, Biden is not an imbecile like Trump. Millions of lives were saved as the U.S. eventually achieved herd immunity. Covid has killed 1.2 million Americans so far (out of 103 million confirmed cases). Biden's steady, medical-based leadership on this issue probably saved 5-10 million lives compared to the orange Fat Bastard, who almost died from his exposure to Covid. The lockdowns necessitated by Covid caused the worst U.S. recession since WWII. Biden had to spend at least part of what he did to keep the country's economy functioning, or it could have turned into a depression. Our economy could easily have collapsed like China's economy did. And there would have been more deaths had the economy collapsed. The Great Lockdown: Worst Economic Downturn Since the Great Depression Your turn: what did we get for the $3-4 trillion that Trump added to the federal debt by cutting corporate taxes by a third, enriching CEO's and corporate board members alike. We did get a small number of additional jobs, but what else did we get?
The border "mess" was a trivial issue compared to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, which could easily have turned into WWIII (and it still might). It was also a trivial issue compared to Covid, which has killed 1.2 million Americans and had the potential to kill another 5-10 million, if not more. The border issue would be more serious if the illegals were committing crimes at a greater rate than U.S. citizens, but they are not. The border issue would be more serious if Americans were willing to pick fruits and vegetables, replace roofs, and work in meat factories, but they are not. The typical right-wing nutjob will point to drug smuggling as the main reason we should be afraid of these immigrants, but as soon as we close off the border (in 344 years of fence-building, according to Trump's first term progress), the smugglers will find new routes to bring drugs in (drones, private planes, submarines, on foot through the Canadian wilderness, etc.). And that's assuming the Mexicans do not discover bolt cutters or ladders that can go over the fences.