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Trump's plan for mass deportations

Discussion in 'Too Hot for Swamp Gas' started by PITBOSS, Nov 8, 2024.

  1. vaxcardinal

    vaxcardinal GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    We can tell you haven’t been here in a while.
  2. VAg8r1

    VAg8r1 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    I guess Homan will have another shot.
    Trump’s Family Separation Czar Is Back
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  3. VAg8r1

    VAg8r1 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    Go back a little over 100 years and substitute Southern Europeans and Eastern Europeans for non-white immigrants from 3rd World Countries and you have the essentially same rhetoric from nativists of the time not unlike yours and it was directed at immigrants like my grandparent. Although my grandparents Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe this anti-Italian cartoon says it all.
    • Winner Winner x 2
  4. PetrolGator

    PetrolGator Lawful Neutral

    This is a lot of work to spin expressively racist rhetoric and maybe kinda almost understandable if “whiteness” wasn’t a sliding, arbitrary scale.

    Your comments about places being “terrible” also lacks a lot of context and why many of these places still struggle with arbitrary boundaries that ignore historical and cultural differences. Also: relentless resource exploitation. Colonialism. The answer is colonialism.

    At one time, “white” was Northern European, excluding Spain and anything south and east of Germany. Great Replacement-style rhetoric was engaged against Irish, Italians, and even Eastern Europeans, who are, ironically, more closely related to the mythical “Caucasian” that’s viewed as an ideal by white supremacists.

    The United States has never been a nation where one culture dominates. Our cuisine is a mixture of European, African, Indigenous American, Asian, and now strong Indian influences.

    Musically? The banjo is African in origin. Frankly, much of what we consider “American music” came from formerly enslaved people’s mixing with Scot-Irish ballads. Native populations were influential in European music as early as the 1600’s.

    Film? Some of our greatest epics are cross pollinations with giants like Akira Kurosawa. Some of the most “white” films are reinterpretations of his brilliant work.

    What you describe is an arbitrary point of saying “NOPE” to any further influences. That’s all Great Reppacement is: fear-based racism dressed in conservatism. If you truly want to eject non-European influences from American culture:
    • Stop eating okra, potatoes, peppers, tomatoes, paprika, apples, cranberries, peaches, and a host of other items we associate with normalcy.
    • Eject everything from bluegrass to any music using major string instruments. I mean, the “guitar” is Persian. Heck, bagpipes have their origin in Egypt. Them folks ain’t white.
    • For that matter, you may as well stop worshipping a middle eastern carpenter and later rabbi.
    • Algebra? Arab nonsense.
    You fear change. You fear enrichment. You honestly have no idea how important contributions from other cultures, peoples, and religions have helped create the “white” civilization you belove.
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  5. PetrolGator

    PetrolGator Lawful Neutral

    TL;DR for my above post: Great Replacement is an expressly racist concept that arbitrarily defines “whiteness” and ignores that the culture we have now is expressly multicultural.
  6. VAg8r1

    VAg8r1 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    A Republican who recognized the significance of immigration and although Trump's rhetoric has focused on illegal immigrants with the possible exception of white immigrants from Northern and Western Europe he also wants to reduce legal immigration as he did during his first term.
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  7. thedonaldgod

    thedonaldgod Junior

    Nov 6, 2024
    Wow, truly impressive job missing the point of my post completely. You couldn't have done a better job, I almost debate if you even read it. I'll try to break down each part of your post here.

    So once again, being White and being proud of being White and White culture is racist? Do you hold Asians, Hispanics, Blacks and Middle Easterners to the same standard? Pretty sure Asians can be proud to be Asian and not be called racist over it.

    Ah yes, the "Whites are the root of all evil" argument. Whites have never done anything right in your mind have they? Meanwhile Asians, Hispanics, Blacks and Middle Easterners have never done anything wrong right? I don't deny White people have done terrible things at times. But here's the truth, every single race on Earth have done terrible things at times. No race is 100% clean. Every single race on Earth has blood on their hands. There's no legitimate way to deny that fact. Let me also remind you that we wouldn't be having this discussion on the internet if it wasn't for a white person.

    Considering Hispanics (outside of areas near Mexico obviously), Asians and Indian cultures didn't come until later I would disagree with that. Yes I agree that White, Black and Indian cultures have been there essentially since the beginning.

    But again, why is it only White countries that have the pressure to embrace multiple cultures?

    I am going to ask you a direct question, and I want a direct answer. Why do you and people on your side not pressure non-White countries like Japan, China, Brazil, Argentina, Morocco, Egypt, Nigeria, Qatar, United Arab Emirates and other countries to embrace multiple cultures?

    Would a country like Japan not benefit from having an influx of White and Hispanic cultures? Would a country like China not benefit from having an influx of Black culture? Would a country like. Uruguay not benefit from an influx of White and Indian culture?

    You see, that's my point. And I want a direct answer to this question as well. Why is it only countries that are historically White (U.S., Canada, Europe) that are expected to allow mass immigration? Why do you not expect other non-White countries to also allow mass immigration?

    I'll give you an example. I rather enjoy Asian culture, especially Japanese and Korean culture. With that said, I could take Japanese for years. I could move to Japan and be on one of those teaching programs. I could learn to speak, write and read Japanese fluently. I could do everything in my power to assimilate into that culture. It will never change the fact that I am not ethnically Japanese and I would never be truly considered Japanese. Heck there are still places in Japan where non-ethnically Japanese are flat out not allowed. The thing is, I accept all that.

    With that said, why is an Asian country like Japan allowed to protect and preserve their culture? Contrary to that, why is a White country like England, Germany or Sweden NOT allowed to protect and preserve their country? Please answer that to me.

    This is where your racism and anti-White sentiments really show. Notice how you only highlight non-White achievements. Do you really believe that Whites have contributed nothing?

    You list things like tomatoes (don't like them anyway, lol), paprika (also don't like them, lol) and peppers (yes I would miss these). Do you realize how many pages I could fill with the accomplishments and contributions that White people have made?

    Whether you like it or not, Earth is a better place with White people in it. And Earth would be far worse if White people didn't exist. And I'm not sorry if that fact offends you.

    I'll throw your question back at you. Are non-Whites ready to give up everything that White people have created throughout history?

    This might be the most racist sentiment of all. You are the one who disregards and has no respect for all the important contributions that White people have made. As I said above, this world would be a far worse place without White people in it.

    Almost all of your modern day conveniences have been created by White people. Technology, Electricity, the Internet, Cars, Air Conditioners, Satellites, Calculus (would put that above Algebra by t he way), Penicillin, Chemotherapy, Space Rockets, Nuclear Energy, Solar Energy. And that's just to start.


    Heck for all we know, those other cultures would still be using candles for lighting if it wasn't for white people.

    Unlike you, I don't say all this to disregard what other cultures have contributed. All cultures have contributed. But I'm tired of people like you who think white people are just evil and have contributed nothing to this world.

    This is where you are dead wrong. I don't fear change nor do I fear enrichment. Why do you feel like you can only get enrichment from other cultures? And once again, why is it only the responsible of White people to learn from and assimilate into the cultures of Black, Hispanic, Asians, Indians and Middle Easterners? Why is the onus always on White people?

    I never see Hispanics or Indians trying to learn more about White culture? I rarely if ever see Hispanics or Asians, who have immigrated here to the U.S., genuinely try to learn anything about White culture and Americans culture in general. Do you really think it's wrong for those other cultures to assimilate to us as well? Maybe, just maybe, they would be enriched as well?

    But here's the thing, my argument is not about isolating cultures. All the cultures can still interact with each other. I don't fear change. I fear a World that has largely eradicated White people. I fear a World where I'm 80 years old and there are no White children left. A World where maybe 1-2% of kids are White and White people are essentially an endangered species. I fear that World because I think it will be a worse World for everyone.

    Again, being White and proud of being White is not racist, it's called being proud of your heritage and who you are. And it's not unreasonable to ask people to respect that. But nowadays it's a one way street. Immigrants want White people to respect them and adapt to them, without even remotely respecting those same White people and adapting at all to them. We see it in the ethnic communities, especially with Hispanics. They stay with their own just so that they don't have to adapt in any way.

    I enjoy interacting with other cultures and I appreciate the contribution of all cultures. I just don't want to see the White culture destroyed by the elites and by the Great Replacement. Is that so wrong?
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2024
  8. gator_jo

    gator_jo GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 9, 2024
    I see you're raising a number of points here, and I'd like to address them thoughtfully. I'll try to break down your concerns and responses systematically, as you’ve done in your message. Let me start with the central themes of your argument.

    1. Pride in White Culture vs. Racism:
    You argue that pride in being White should not be considered inherently racist, while also asking why similar pride in other racial cultures is not called out the same way. I understand your frustration, as you feel like White pride is often labeled as racist, while other ethnic pride is celebrated. The distinction that some make, however, is that pride in one’s heritage or identity is not inherently wrong. The issue arises when that pride becomes exclusionary or hostile to others.

    For example, celebrating Asian pride, Black pride, or Latino pride often emerges from the history of marginalization, colonization, and oppression. These communities have historically been denied the ability to express pride due to the legacy of racial subjugation. When White pride is expressed, particularly in certain nationalist or supremacist contexts, it sometimes gets associated with exclusion or domination, which can foster resentment. This doesn’t mean that every expression of White pride is racist, but the context in which it’s expressed often matters. The same would apply to any culture—it's not about being proud of where you're from, it's about how that pride manifests and who it alienates.

    2. Universal Accountability for History:
    You make the argument that all races have committed atrocities at various points in history and that no race is completely innocent. I completely agree with you—history is full of examples where all racial, ethnic, and cultural groups have engaged in violent or harmful acts. At the same time, acknowledging the harm caused by certain groups historically (including Whites) is not about condemning the entirety of that group. The aim is to address the lasting effects of systemic inequality and help ensure those injustices are not repeated.

    It’s also true that we wouldn’t have modern technology and the internet without White individuals who contributed to these innovations, but it’s equally true that many of these inventions built on the knowledge and contributions from other parts of the world. The goal isn’t to erase or disregard the achievements of any race, but to recognize the interconnectedness of human progress. To be fair to all cultures means recognizing how they’ve collectively advanced civilization.

    3. Cultural Assimilation vs. Preservation:
    You bring up the point that historically White countries (U.S., Canada, much of Europe) are expected to embrace multiple cultures, while other countries (e.g., Japan, China, Egypt) aren't similarly pressured to do so. This is a complex issue rooted in both global power dynamics and national identity. Western countries, especially post-WWII, have taken the lead in advocating for multiculturalism as part of broader global movements towards human rights and globalism. The idea of allowing people from different cultures and backgrounds to coexist within a nation stems from values of inclusion, freedom, and economic growth.

    But you’re right to ask why the expectation is more prominent in White-majority countries. Part of this comes from colonial history—countries like the U.S., Canada, and the nations of Europe historically colonized much of the world, which has led to complex relationships around immigration and multiculturalism today. Moreover, as former colonial powers, many of these countries are now in a position of privilege where they have the resources to offer asylum or immigration opportunities to people from countries they once colonized.

    On the other hand, countries like Japan or Saudi Arabia have not been historically colonial powers in the same way, and therefore, their social policies regarding immigration tend to be more restrictive. That doesn’t mean they are beyond critique, but it’s a more nuanced conversation. Different nations have different histories, resources, and priorities, which is why they respond to immigration differently.

    4. The "Great Replacement" and Fear of Change:
    You argue that the "Great Replacement" theory is based on fear and racism, and that non-White cultures are enriching Western societies rather than threatening them. The "Great Replacement" is a conspiracy theory that suggests a deliberate effort to replace native populations in Western countries with non-White immigrants. This theory is based on a fear that a demographic shift will result in the cultural and political erosion of White-majority nations. The reality is that demographic change happens naturally over time and is driven by a variety of factors, such as birth rates, immigration, and global interconnectedness. It’s a misunderstanding to view these changes as an existential threat.

    In truth, countries like the U.S. have always been diverse, built on the foundation of immigration and adaptation. The idea that assimilation only flows one way is flawed. Immigrants often assimilate to the host culture in many ways while also enriching the culture through their traditions, foods, and ideas. White-majority countries like the U.S. benefit immensely from the contributions of immigrant communities, from labor to culture to technological innovation.

    5. Contributions from White People:
    You emphasize the significant contributions that White people have made to technology, science, and culture, including electricity, the internet, penicillin, etc. Yes, these are remarkable accomplishments. However, it’s crucial to recognize that many of these advancements were built upon ideas and knowledge from many cultures across history. For example, the invention of calculus owes a great deal to Indian and Arab mathematicians, and algebra has roots in the Islamic Golden Age.

    The idea that Western civilization is solely responsible for modern advancements often overlooks the contributions of others. But acknowledging that doesn’t diminish the impact of European or Western innovations—it’s about fostering a fuller, more accurate picture of how global civilizations have interacted and contributed to each other over time. The goal isn’t to invalidate any culture’s achievements but to recognize interconnected contributions from all over the world.

    6. Enrichment through Cultural Exchange:
    Finally, you express concern that White people are expected to learn about and assimilate into other cultures, but don’t see a similar effort from non-White communities to understand White culture. This is an interesting point. The truth is that cultural exchange should go both ways. Ideally, people from all backgrounds should strive to learn from each other and appreciate the diversity around them. In multicultural societies, the onus is often placed on newcomers to assimilate, but there should also be space for mutual respect and understanding between all groups.

    The U.S. is a nation built on the idea that all people should be able to contribute their cultures to the larger fabric of society, while also respecting the core values of the nation. That said, assimilation doesn’t mean abandoning one’s identity—it means finding a way to contribute to a larger community while maintaining your heritage. This applies to all people, regardless of race or ethnicity.
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  9. thedonaldgod

    thedonaldgod Junior

    Nov 6, 2024
    For those who believe that the Great Replacement is just BS, explain this:

    The US will become 'minority white' in 2045, Census projects

    It's already happening. 20 years and Whites will most likely be the minority in the U.S. That will have major consequences for the culture of the U.S. as a whole and the U.S. economy.

    How can you not consider the Great Replacement theory, at least in a minor way, when all immigration is going to the U.S., Canada and Europe. At the same time, White populations in almost all traditionally White countries is declining or collapsing.

    I'll also ask again, why just the U.S., Canada and Europe? Why are we not seeing immigration to countries like Japan, China, Argentina, Urugyay, Chile, UAE, Qatar, Morocco and Egypt? Why is there no pressure on these countries to "embrace diversity"? Why is there no pressure on these countries to open up their borders to immigration?
  10. thedonaldgod

    thedonaldgod Junior

    Nov 6, 2024
    I appreciate your thoughtful response Gator_Jo. I know in the past we haven't seen eye to eye on a lot of political issues, but I appreciate that you genuinely took the time to read my response. And unlike many posters here, actually seemed to at least somewhat take to hear the point I was trying to convey. I'll respond to each of your points.

    I agree with most of this. The problem becomes the classic "do you make the son suffer for the actions of the father" mentality. So do you make White people today suffer because of actions White people took 200, 300, 500 years ago.

    Other ethnicities/races get the benefit of the doubt while White people do not (IMO unfairly). And other races can be exclusionary as well.

    For example, living in Florida, I can't tell you how many times I've seen Hispanics see me as a White person and immediately switch to speaking Spanish. This is clearly meant as exclusionary so I don't know at all what they are talking about. And of course it makes you wonder if they are just talking trash about you.

    But yet in the U.S., for the most part, we are told not to question it. And if we do question it, then we are the "racists". We are the ones in the wrong.

    I do genuinely feel like, as a White person, I am not allowed to celebrate being White in any context. To do so, I risk being labeled as racist. And this is not just in the U.S., but across the world, even in countries where White people are the minority and potentially even in countries where White people can be subject to being discriminated against or even oppressed.

    Asian, Hispanics and Blacks might have been oppressed in some Countries (including the U.S.) and denied the ability to express pride in their ethnicity/race. But they still could in Countries where their ethnicity/race is the dominant culture. But I think the argument could be made the Whites are also oppressed in some Countries and denied the ability to express pride in their ethnicity/race. And unlike Asians, Hispanics and Blacks, this even happens in Countries where Whites are the dominant culture.

    I also agree with most of this. I don't deny that White people have done terrible things in the past. But again, almost all of that is in the past.

    But again, as a society, especially here in the U.S., when it comes to White people the immediate thought is criticism. The immediate thoughts are of all the terrible things White people have done, without acknowledging the good White people have done.

    Meanwhile, for other ethnicities/races, they are only viewed in a positive light. Only their contributions are viewed and not anything bad they have done.

    Even the poster I responded to, PetrolGator, was guilty of this. Whether by accident or intentional (I believe intentional), PetrolGator only talked about the accomplishments of non-Whites and never once even tried to bring up the accomplishments of Whites. PetrolGator talked about how less "White Culture" would be without the contributions of some other races and cultures. I can understand that. But PetrolGator conveniently ignored how much less other cultures and races would be without the contributions of White Culture. Once again to me a double standard.

    And again, this goes back to the "making the sons pay for the sins of the father". While I can see where there is some "systemic inequality", I believe it is vastly overstated.

    I can truly say that I have never once gotten a job because I was White. I worked for a big Corporation where, if anything, being White can be a negative.

    The few times I've been pulled over by police for traffic violations. I can truly say I have never gotten out of a ticket for being White. Every time (which luckily is only a few) I've gotten a ticket. The only time I've gotten out of a ticket was for a tail light that was out, and that isn't a traffic violation.

    And yes, when I started driving, my dad gave me the "the talk". He flat out said that when you are talking to a police officer, it's "yes sir/mam, no sir/mam). He told me that you keep you hands on the wheel and make no movements without first telling the officer. And he always told me that if I was treated poorly, you don't make the situation worse. That's what the police officer's supervisor or even a lawyer is for. Anything you do there will just make a tense/bad situation worse.

    While I don't deny that non-Whites might get it worse, non-Whites, especially Blacks, want to act like Whites never have bad interactions with police. That Whites never get a ticket. And that Whites are never given "the talk" when we are. I know if I had kids, I would give them "the talk" as well.

    I can understand that minorities have had a rough go in the past. But I also think that most Whites nowadays aren't like that. The amount of true racists in the U.S. is really very very low. And I do get tired of being asked to pay the price for events that happened 50, 100, 150, 200 years ago.

    Most races look out for themselves first. Whites is our current society are really the first group of people that, as a race, have put other races interests and success above even our own. I think that deserves some recognition but it never happens.

    Countries like Japan and Saudi Arabia may not have been historically colonial powers in the same way, but they have always been regional powers. Heck if I hadn't been for Pearl Harbor and the U.S. getting involved in World War II, Japan may have taken over China and most of the Eastern Pacific region.

    And the U.S. never really did any type of colonizing the way England, France and Spain did.

    It just feels wrong that it's majority White countries that are expected to take the brunt of the immigration while other countries get a pass. Countries like Japan, China, United Arab Emirates all have the resources to help immigrants in their regions.

    Even countries like Uruguay, Chile and Argentina IMO should be more involved with immigration in Central America and South America. For immigrants from countries like Venezuela and Colombia, I think the first option should be the South American countries listed above and not the U.S.

    I'm not against the U.S. taking in immigrants, as long as they go through the immigration process. But White countries can't handle the burden alone and shouldn't be expected to.

    Globalism sounds nice as a concept. However Globalism destroys cultures, which is a big reason I'm against it. Globalism leads to everything being the same, which I think would be really sad. Can you imagine every city being like Los Angeles or Dallas or Atlanta? Cookie cutter type cities, all with the same amenities, retail and economic setup. That is Globalism to me, just on a much larger scale. Globalism will lead to everyone being brown, and to the destruction IMO of a lot of great cultures, including many White and non-White cultures.

    The Great Replacement to me is a threat because it's targeted just towards historical White countries. I do not believe that all of the immigration happening in the world is 100% natural, I think a lot of it is being manipulated.

    If immigration was truly about just getting to a better Country, it would be much more regional. Muslims from countries like Afghanistan and Iran would immigrate to countries like Qatar, United Arab Emirates and Egypt. Yet overwhelming those Muslims are ending up in Europe.

    Asians from countries like Nepal, Laos, Philipines, Cambodia would immigrate to countries like Japan, China and South Korea. Yet many of them end up in the U.S. or Canada.

    Hispanics from countries like Venezuela, Colombia, Honduras, Ecuador and even Brazil would naturally immigrate to countries like Argentina, Uruguay, Chile or even Mexico. Yet again many of them end up in the U.S. or Canada.

    The fact that these immigrants pass up stable countries, including countries that would allow for far easier assimilation (again say someone from Colombia going to Argentina or someone from Iran going to Qatar) tells me it's not all natural.

    And again, all of it goes to White countries. The U.S., Canada and Europe can not support immigrants from the rest of the world. And I do believe that more pressure should be applied for the regional powers to step up more for immigrants from poorer countries in their regions.

    Maybe part of it is bitterness too. Many White people here in the U.S. lost their culture. Heck many White people, when they immigrated from Europe, even changed their names to sound more American. There was a true attempt at assimilation. I think seeing Hispanics get the best of both worlds (somewhat assimilating though keeping their Hispanic identity) is a little bit of an insult to some Whites here in the U.S. who essentially forfeited their previous identity and culture to truly become "American". While I'm guessing it's a step in the right direction, it just seems like a "I want to have my cake and eat it too" type thing. They want the economic advantages of being an American, but they still want to truly be only with their culture. Look how many Puerto Ricans here in Florida only fly the Puerto Rican flag and not the American flag. Heck same with Mexicans who will gladly fly the Mexican flag over the American flag. How many of these Hispanics only stay in their Hispanic enclaves and rarely, if ever, interact with non-Hispanics? Maybe I'm wrong, and maybe you can point out how I can see it, but I don't think they assimilate as much as they could. I don't think they assimilate as much as many of our White ancestors did when they came over.

    I agree and I never meant to act like non-Whites have never contributed anything. It was more of a response to PetrolGator, acting like only non-Whites have contributed. I was countering the argument by emphasizing what Whites have contributed. Yes Western civilization isn't solely responsible for modern advancement, but Western civilization does have a lot of those achievements. And PetrolGator was trying to not even acknowledge that. You at least do.

    I do feel like it's a one way street many times. Like Whites are supposed to accommodate, supposed to adapt and that immigrants and minority groups are not expected of the same. Heck there are many who say Whites should learn Spanish. I know there is no official language but can you imagine any other Country where that would happen?

    Can you imagine if you or me immigrated to Japan and expected locals to learn Japanese? They would probably just laugh first at the absurdity and then be really offended, as they should.

    I've seen immigrants who have been here for 10 - 15 years and still can't speak a word of English other than "No speak English". To me that is a little insulting and just flat out lazy. At least make an attempt.

    Heck if Hispanics became the major American ethnicity/race, American football would probably go away and Futbol (Soccer) would become the #1 sport like it is in the rest of the world. I think Hispanics would throw away a lot about American culture if/when they become the dominant ethnicity/race in the U.S. That part does sadden me.

    I think a lot of Americans would be more open to learning about their cultures if it was shared. I can tell you right now I've never had a Hispanic, Asian or Black person ask me about my culture or heritage. Not one time. Heck that even goes back to cultural events at college. I think it would just be nice to see it not as one sided.

    And again, the Great Replacement Theory to me isn't about not allowing immigrants into the country. I believe in legal immigration and am okay with immigrants being let into the country after an asylum hearing. I do believe that facilities should be build around the border to house immigrants waiting for their asylum hearings and that they should only be let into the U.S. if the asylum request is approved. I'm also okay hiring more judges/legal experts to expedite that process so that it would be at most 3 - 4 months to get an asylum hearing.

    But believing in the Great Replacement Theory doesn't mean you are against immigration. What it means is you want all ethnicities and races to have countries where their culture is preserved and is the dominant culture. Asians (Asia), Hispanics (Central America and South America), Blacks (Africa) and Middle Easterners (Middle East) will always have those regions where their culture is preserved and is the dominant culture. The only race that can't say their culture is secure is Whites. And that to me is sad and is a problem.

    But that's why I get concerned about this issue. I'm not saying Whites are better. I'm not saying other races contribute nothing. I'm not saying don't ever interact with other races. I'm just saying the White race and White culture needs to be preserved, protected and respected. And right now I don't believe that happens. I do believe the White race and White culture is under attack and I do think there are many Globalists who would like to see the end of the White race. I believe most of those individuals are outside the U.S., but I think some are probably here in the U.S. as well. And I do think the Great Replacement is one of the ways they are attempting to do that. Hopefully you can see Gator_Jo why that scares me.

    Sorry that I unloaded a little bit and this became a novel, but it was necessary to explain why I think I, and many Whites, think this way.
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2024
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  11. vaxcardinal

    vaxcardinal GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    I was just going to respond “no” but your response is probably along the lines of what he was looking for.
  12. thedonaldgod

    thedonaldgod Junior

    Nov 6, 2024
    You can believe in immigration while being against completely open unfettered immigration. The U.S. can not support the world. The U.S. can not support every immigrant who wants to come here. It's just reality. And I don't think even Reagan believed in unfettered uncontrolled immigration. And if being the leaders of the free world means Americans come last, as I feel like they have under Biden, then let another country be the leader of the free world for awhile.

    And you do realize that Western and Northern Europe immigration to the U.S. is very very small right? There hasn't been significant immigration from Western and Northern Europe since World War II, early 1950s at the latest. Eastern Europe is more right now due to the Russian-Ukraine war, as I've met both Russians and Ukrainians who fled the countries. But for the rest of Europe, immigration to the U.S. is close to 0. It's basically just permanent residents who decide to become citizens.

    Almost all U.S. immigration comes from Central America, South America, Asia and the Middle East.
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2024
  13. PetrolGator

    PetrolGator Lawful Neutral

    Man. You’ve dressed the same white supremacist nonsense in flair.

    Appreciating where and how the culture we love developed is not anti-white. What you’ve done is written the same essay lunatics like David Duke used to push impressionable kids to wear robes.

    I sincerely hope you get the help you need, but I don’t interact with white supremacists.

    Note: giving racists like this attention only validates their extremism. Ignore them.
  14. gator_jo

    gator_jo GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 9, 2024
    Many thanks for the informative and pleasant conversation. I found it valuable to hear such well articulated thoughts from someone who I don't always agree with.

    biddi biddi biddi
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. AzCatFan

    AzCatFan GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 9, 2007
    Know why we haven't sent a manned mission to Mars yet? It's not that we can't. But the cost/benefit analysis of the mission. NASA put out a paper in 2016 outlying the costs and benefits. Their report said the mission was possible, but cost would be around $500 billion with a high risk of loss of life. Instead, we can send robotic missions at a fraction of the cost with no loss of life risk. Maybe one day, there won't be anything more to learn from unmanned missions, or the cost will be manageable? But not today.

    Speaking of hundreds of billions, estimates for mass deportation costs I've seen are $300 billion. There's also a potential loss of $1 Trillion in GDP. There's also a human cost as families will be separated.

    Ignoring the racist rants, I simply ask, is the cost/benefit worth it?
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  16. g8orbill

    g8orbill Old Gator Moderator VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Clermont, Fl
    Sens ALL illegals back to whence they came
  17. vaxcardinal

    vaxcardinal GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    what's the cost to send back the illegals that have committed crimes in the US? Do you feel that cost/benefit would be worth it?
  18. mdgator05

    mdgator05 Premium Member

    Dec 9, 2010
    Can we start with Melania? She became "illegal" when she worked on a tourist visa.
  19. AzCatFan

    AzCatFan GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 9, 2007
    We have plenty of domestic felony criminals. No need to import any more. Any immigrant who commits a felony should serve their sentence and then be turned over to ICE.

    The hard criminal element among undocumented immigrants is very small. As stated, they commit less felony crime than citizens. And criminals are already among the ones we deport.

    But the ones that only crime is overstaying a Visa or being undocumented, with jobs and families here? Can anyone justify the hundreds of billions in deportation costs along with the trillion lost in GDP?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  20. g8orbill

    g8orbill Old Gator Moderator VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Clermont, Fl
    you would be deporting a US Citizen