Former Gator Calli Decker is, also, on that San Diego State team. She been primarily their catcher for the last 2 seasons and been very good for them. Will be entering her senior season in 2025.
Cali was injured most of her freshman year at UF. If I remember, she severely cut her hand while trying to slice an avocado. I hated to see her transfer. She had a lot of potential that she never had a chance to display.
After the exit interview freshtman year, she came out crying. Someone asked why?` She said, 'i didn't hear what I wanted to hear.' Might be a clue.
This is by far the best forum in all of Gatorcountry. High level discussion, always interesting and informative. And most of all, no flames. Merry Christmas to all!
Most people on this forum love this program and want to see it succeed. Thanks Ocala for starting this tread.
I just like the fact that there are enough Gator softball fans to carry this discussion during the off season and for those who keep bringing new information to keep in interesting and relevant. Go Gators!
I don't think we can do something like that. There are contractual issues between the SEC and ESPN. All of the things you are speaking of don't have the same contractual restrictions. If we broadcast a game, it has to be through SEC, SEC+, ESPN or ESPN+. Then we get into our internal inability to do multiple broadcasts that I have explained over and over and softball gets the shaft. Depending on the time of the year, volleyball, gymnastics, both basketball programs and baseball have priority over softball.
It's truly a shame that with all the great success UF softball has had for a long time, that they get treated so shabbily by the UF Administration and Athletics Dept. They should be a higher priority IMO.
Here is a kinda definition of what a forum can do.. A forum itself does not have direct political or legal power, but it can hold significant influence by bringing together individuals with shared interests, facilitating discussion, and shaping public opinion on certain topics, particularly when the forum consists of influential figures or experts in a field;essentially, its power lies in its ability to aggregate voices and ideas, potentially impacting decision-making processes without having direct authority to enact change. One of the things I believe we all would like to see happen that will benefit forum members and all Gator and other team fans who cannot attend games is to get all games televised or streamed. We have time before the USF, ASU And Gator tournaments to let our feelings be known. I have contacted USF and Illinois State by email to stir up some interest and had planned to contact ASU and other participants but got sidelined by the holiday. I, being a newbie and not knowing much about the logistics of getting “THE MESSAGE” across to the proper personnel, suggest the forum members who do, consider setting up a program to let our feeling and suggestions be heard. Perhaps something like an email campaign or petition. Hope you had a Happy Holiday.!
It only takes one attitude like that to mess with a whole team. And it was kinda evident that year imo. Alabama had issues with that the last year kilfoyl was there with group of freshmen that transfered out after that year. Our group last year had great chemistry and hopefully we see the same this year. It matters.
Perhaps when you hire Miss. State you become a Miss. State. We had a great success form a promoted Jeremy Foley who had experienced the culture for years. It’s a shame when a business, which UAA is, does not have a succession plan with a qualified back up in place.
My only complaint with UF Softball is TV coverage and lack of information coming from within the program. The rest is fantastic including players, coaches, facilities and fans. PS It would be nice if they figured out a way to fill the seats on game days with the no shows. It makes for a bad look.
I have solved having a Gator Softball fan in my seats for each and every game. I do it at cost plus the Venmo charge. I plan my days ahead for the games I can make from Georgia. All of the others I sell. Conference and FSU games are $30+fee and $20 + fee for nonconference. I sold them for every game that I didn’t make. If the ticket holders would do something like I did we would have more fans in the seats.
Season-ticket holders just need to make an effort to do what I’ve done. I broke even for the season. But I made sure a Gator fan was in my place each and every time.
CTW Quickly identifies the toxic ones and make sure that they won’t return. He’s done a pretty good job of it over the years. Last year was really good. It reminded me of the 2008-2011 and the 2013-2016 teams.