the weirdest thing this video did for me is miss hearing those accents on a more regular basis when i lived in florida
These games prove that the SEC must have fair and unbiased refs in conference games. It will show up eventually. One more thing... the game clock should never be any part of a penalty... use yardage and downs only. That is un-American and anti-competitive in nature.
You need the "R" version... and I guarantee you will be entertained. I watch that movie every time it's on TV.
I liked the last one (or probably last half dozen) SEC Shorts better that this issue. At the time I said that this edition really raised the bar. It's more fun when they pick on multiple teams. I feel they probably had to rush this episode because of the holidays.
Plus, most SEC teams haven't played in the last week. UF rolling a QB-less Tulane team in a lower tier bowl probably didn't give them that much material to work with.
They should have thrown Texas in there somehow. They missed an opportunity to call the horns the real UT in the SEC.