As a former restaurant owner, I was glad to see the owner take this action. I was very critical of PrezBO, and someone on here asked me what I would do if he came into one of my restaurants. I said I would welcome him and shake his hand and serve him. When you open a restaurant, you do not get to pick and choose who eats with you, you just have to be damned happy they chose to do so. Tnhis young lady paid a huge price for her refusal.
These people need to wise up, you can just spit/wipe your ass in their food without telling them. We're living in a society, be polite.
In my nightclub/restaurant, I proudly displayed, along with a few other Gator items, an autographed photo of Steve Spurrier. He had signed it "To My Friends at (name of bar): Go Gators! Steve Spurrier." Whenever anyone asked why there wasn't any FSU memorabilia, I simply replied "Not in my bar" and meant it. Topic never open for discussion, didn't care if they left. Principles were worth more than the price of a few drinks.
All my employees knew what was and what was not acceptable. When I worked the restaurant, I was very visible and they all knew that if there was a complaint I was going to handle it and they were to not take it personal if I paid for the complainant's meal. I did not yell at my employees and I did not counsel them in front of others. A few times a nasty customer made on of my female employees cry, I was immediately right there and got between them and the asshat. Now I am a big boy and have a very deep voice, so it was easy for me to get the complaining customer to take a deep breath and calm down. My motto for complaints was make it right and make it right fast. I never assigned blame I just fixed the problem.
The food side was the worst part of our club. Anytime there was an issue it was food related...generally someone who had eaten 2/3 of their steak and decided it wasn't cooked properly. Invariably wound up comping the meal. Our lease required food sales, otherwise we would have never sold it. PIAs.
She messed up. She should have said it was against her religious beliefs to serve followers of a false profit [sic]. we’ve come a long way as a society, but freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences.
I have no problem with her being fired for behaving unprofessionally. Guessing she doesn't either. For me, though, this thread is also fun because the same people who are saying: - "It's very bad for her not to serve someone because of politics. She needs to do her job!" ....have also essentially told us, when commenting on a US President who, for political reasons, merely watched while hundreds of police were beaten : -"It's perfectly fine with me that he didn't care about, try to, or remotely do his job." I guess that sub sandwich was more important than our country, Capitol, or police. And yeah, you're right: broken record. Sure, I agree. It's just that the complainers on this thread have ZERO credibility. They want things both ways. Sorry, that was YOUR un-American choice, not mine.
Hard to find the original story and actual quote. The link below: "I personally would refuse to serve any person in office who I know of as being a sex trafficker or trying to deport millions of people," Suzannah Van Rooy, a server at Beuchert's Saloon on Capitol Hill, told the Washingtonian this week. "It’s not, ‘Oh, we hate Republicans.’ It’s that this person has moral convictions that are strongly opposed to mine, and I don’t feel comfortable serving them." second, she jumped on the restaurant’s social media and replied, which sounded likely like the owner’s pointed to as a reason for termination. Reading what she said, her termination was more about the business not wanting the negative press. D.C. restaurant server fired after comments about refusing service to some Trump officials
She actually never refused to provide service to a member of the Trump Administration. She was fired because she said that she would not provide service. Although she probably she have been terminated regardless of the situation she was canned based on what she said that she that she would do, not what she actually did. DC bar employee fired after claiming she wouldn’t serve Trump administration
I bussed/served as a youngster. We def administered social justice. Just didn’t have SM to out ourselves.
They are the people on the tipping subreddit complaining that going to a restaurant in the US requires a social contract of tipping.
I'm sure the restaurant ownership did not want the appearance it is on one side or the other as it does not want to tie its future to which political party is in office.